(Einblicke ins Internet, 10/1995)
1990 Postings by subject
1990 Postings by subject
Starting: Fri 19 Aug 1994 - 23:03:11 EST
Ending: Fri 19 Aug 1994 - 23:07:59 EST
Messages: 735
- "infocmp" on NCR Tower 700 running V.3.2
- "sh: no stack space" error
- 'in reference to' ID's
- 'va' development library
- /bin/login wierdness, m'aidez
- /bin/sh bug ?
- /etc/format
- /rsh and /usr/bin/mailx - are they incompatible?
- 010300 Archiver & new objects
- 020101 CRON
- 020101 CRON under 010300
- 1.03.00 cron core dumps
- 15 MB tape
- 2.01 error log corruption
- 2nd Update - Tape Drive Light
- 32-600 HPSIO HELP?!?!?!: what is "threshold on overrun tally error"
- 68020 to 68010 chip adapter?
- 68881 FPP missing in Vr3
- [WIN-]TCP/IP documentation
- accessing Multibus shared memory
- Adding a second internal disk to Unisys5000/55
- Adding SCSI to a 916
- Address/Phone Number Needed
- Another dumb TCP/IP Question
- Anyone upgraded SysV.2 to SysV.3 + Oracle5 to 6 simultaneously?
- ar on TOWER_32
- Aspen ksh
- Aspen ksh (again :-( )
- Aspen ksh (again)
- ASPEN ksh and A__z variable
- Asynchronous I/O package or some hack for the System V 3.2
- AT&T tape
- Avoid single user on cold boot
- Avoid single user on cold boot)
- Back to the ksh problems
- Bad mail headers being generated
- bash-1.04 and cc(1)
- braindead (again), prf and streams
- Bug in batch ?
- Bug in dd in 2.01.00
- C compilation question
- can you convert a Mini-Tower to a Tower 400
- Can't log in!!! Tower 600
- Cannot dial out on 600/3.00.01
- Change Control
- Change Control Summary
- chsh broken
- cnews on Towers
- comp.sys.ncr
- comp.sys.ncr archive
- connect() timeout value
- Consollog - info...
- converting from at&t(summary)
- Converting from att 3b2 to ncr tower 32/700
- Coporate Use of Internet/Usenet
- Copying from one tape to another tape
- Copying from tape and byte swapping
- copying TOWER32 install tapes.
- cost effectiveness of shared memory
- crc32 algorithm
- cronlogs on 600 & 650
- Cross compilations from 4x0/6x0 Rel. 03.00 to other Tower platforms
- Date Error on 4920 and 4940 Terminals
- Date Error on 4920 and 4940 Terminals!!
- DB15 connectors
- DCD on Tower 32/600
- Development System for NCR Tower 1632
- Dial in and Dial out (on one tty?)
- Differential SCSI interface
- Dimension table overflow
- Discount on NCR S5R3 software
- Disk Definition information wanted
- DLC corruption
- Documentation needed when upgrading to 3.00.01
- Does uucp have to be slow?
- drawing boxes with SVR3 curses
- emacs on 500/700
- Emacs/Gcc on SVR.3 ?
- email address
- Enquiry: What benchmarking software is out there?
- Ethernet for NCR Tower?
- Exelan & HPAD/X25
- Fast file systems
- FAX Interface
- find and cpio
- FOR SALE: NCR Tower 1632 + terminals + printer
- FYI - NCR group/list archive
- gcc 1.37.1 ported to System V release 3 based Towers.
- gcc binaries for NCR 600 wanted
- getting gcc working on the tower 32/700
- GNU Emacs 18.55 ported to System V release 3 based Towers.
- GNU Emacs on NCR tower 32/600
- Gnu Gcc 1.36 on NCR Tower 32
- GNU on Tower
- Hanging processes on the Tower
- Have NCR Neat3 application, need compiler for modern architecture
- HDB UUCP table overflow
- Help --- Should I buy a TOWER?
- Help compiling GNUemacs 18.55 on NCR Tower 32/800
- Help needed with DecisionMate
- Help needed with models 502 and 403
- HELP with Kernal problems needed on Tower 32/650
- How can I find out how much memory an NCR system has on board?
- how do I resurrect an old tower
- How do I setup a 400 with two 140Mb Maxtor disks?
- How fast are Tower hard disks?
- How I finally made the streamer stream
- How much internal memmory installed in a 32/400 ?
- How to make the streamer stream?
- HPSIO problems
- HPSIO-8 parallel port pinout
- HST modems with UUCP
- Huge directory
- Infomrix on Tower 32-650
- Information about NCR 7500 WANTED
- Informational Question about error
- Informix 4gl and C optimizer
- Init S on System V 3.2
- Installing Cnews on T32/600
- Interconnecting Towers and IMOS/IRX/ITX boxes
- Introduction, hello!
- Is NCR's SYSV R3.1 8-bit clean?
- Is this correct? ptrace(2) on NCR Tower
- ITX TCP/IP, what's the status?
- Just upgraded from V.2 to V.3, various gripes.
- kermit 2.32/a and NCR PC problems?
- kernel resolution
- Kernel Software error
- Korn shell
- ksh
- KSH - command line editing
- Latest OS Releases (was GNU Emacs on NCR tower 32/600)
- ld on Tower is different from all other SYSV ld's.
- Long filenames?
- Looking for UNIX diagnosics software
- Looking for User Groups
- Losing second drive by hitting reset/run
- Mailing List Address Change
- mailx question
- manuals, manuals, manuals
- media portability issues
- Memory for 916's
- Missing &/or non-functioning programs
- Missing Crypt Capabilities in Rel. 3
- mkdir()
- More active NCR usage of this newsgroup
- More on batch errors
- More on Polling and uusched
- MS-DOS streaming tape device driver
- ms-dos to NCR unix
- Multibus Ethernet Card
- My Tower XP tape is!
- NCR 1632 bus error
- NCR 386SX PC
- NCR 4940 Terminal Date Display Bug
- NCR and 386/486 Multiprocessing developement
- NCR and Progress
- NCR ET015 board tech specs
- NCR News/List Archive
- NCR StarLAN and Ethernet on the same Tower
- NCR Tower - PC File exchange
- NCR Tower 1632 upgrade to Tower XP ?
- NCR Tower Ethernet Networks (Was: Tower Sys V.3 upgrade)
- NCR Towerview and X
- NCR unix conferences set
- NCR Unix User Group Conference
- NCR UNIX User Group meeting, October 25-26, Columbia, SC
- NCR User Group Fall Technical Conference
- NCR's commitment to Unix/Xenix on its micros
- Neat3 cross compiler available
- Need an NCR Tower test site in/near Anaheim
- Need cable info/interface info for Tower 32/600
- Need help booting dual operating systems
- Need Help Setting Up smail!
- Need online man pages for 'ps' command
- Need Some Assistance
- NEEDED: System V version of tn3270
- netnews on NCR 32/700?
- netnews on the Tower
- NEW PRODUCT: High Performance TCP/IP for NCR Tower
- newgrp problems
- News on Tower
- news software and uux -z option
- NFS on Towers
- none
- Note on 5.3 & request to be removed from mailing list
- number of data names in COBOL, is there a limit?
- Object Compatibility on Tower-32 ?
- Odd vi behaviour inside a shell script.
- ORACLE 6 needs NCR UNIX 3 ?
- ORACLE 6 under UNIX NCR 3.00.01
- Oracle Question Summary
- OS Upgrades and connecting to PC Lans
- OS: HALT: Modified Page Removal Failed
- Patches to run GNU EMACS 18.55 on Tower System V release 3.
- Patches to run GNU gcc 1.37.1 on Tower System V release 3.
- PCDSK for 1.2 Meg disks
- Performance tuning (GPTF) ... ?
- Performance tuning (GPTF) ... ?
- perl on the NCR Tower
- pg and tcp/ip
- pg: cannot reopen stdout
- Policy on 'unsupported' programs such as nroff
- Poll file entries
- POLL(2) corrupts pollfd struct when nfds > NPOLLFILE
- ports hanging
- PostScript Printer gettydef
- postscript printers on Tower system
- Previous Article Archives
- printer pinouts
- Printer setup on a 32/300
- Printer spooling under SVR3
- Problem with ROM Revision on Excelan Card
- problems with man entries - please repost replies
- Problems with NCR-Xterminal
- Profiling of programs under System V release 3
- programming tools
- ptty's and win tcp/ip manual pages
- QEMM-386 on NCR PC486/MC
- QIC tape formats?
- Question on WIN-TCP /usr/etc/named
- RAM disk wanted for Tower 850
- RE: Converting from att 3b2 to ncrtower 32/700
- Removal from distribution list
- Retaining history with cshell
- RFS is Unsupported
- RPC/XDR for Tower 32
- rsh vs remsh -- how does one handle the name conflict?
- sa functions that need to be more available
- SCCS and Makefiles
- SCSI-1 disks on SCSI-2 machines ?
- Sea Change Corp
- Sendmail Problems With WIN/TCP
- Shell variable environment corruption
- SLIP for the NCR Tower
- SLIP On Towers
- SMD controller/Eagle drive?
- SNA 3270 - 3770 rje
- startup menu and changing the system time/date
- Statistical Software
- Still more Tower XP questions
- Streams and networking with SYS5.3
- Streams and TLI (again, sorry)
- streams primer
- Survey regarding Planned Parenthood corporate support
- SUSBUG documentation?
- SVR4
- Swap/page space allocation in XP SysV 3.02.01 install
- Sys 5 Release 3 -- we have one
- Sys V rel 3 CONSOLELESS Parameter
- Sys V Rel. 2 ZONEINFO
- tape copying, byte swapping, etc.
- Tape Drive Light
- Tape Drive Light [Problem on TOWER 32/650 2.01.01]
- TCP/IP documentation
- TCP/IP+ Info Please
- Telebit modem on ttya or ttyXX ???
- Telex hard-/software for Tower.
- Telex Software
- Termcap for vt52
- Termcaps entry for NCR WorkSaver 300
- Termcaps for 4940 terminals
- Terminal distribution box
- Terminfo and termcap definition for vt102
- Terradata architecures
- TFS vs NFS -- Info Please?
- The telnet "login" prompt
- Third Party SCSI Disks for NCR 32/650
- Tower 32 - SHMBRK
- Tower 32 - SHMBRK (again)
- Tower 32 030001 & /etc/shadow
- Tower 32 Release 3 UNIX
- Tower 32/500 tty performance
- Tower 32/600 Harddisk formatting
- Tower Alternative
- tower forsale message in
- tower menu system documentation
- Tower Multiplan 32
- Tower parallel printer port
- Tower problems
- Tower sVr2 to sVr3 upgrade offer?
- Tower Sys V.3 upgrade
- Tower/600 OS 2.01
- Tracing incoming phone logon attempts
- Trouble with compiling netnews software on NCR tower.
- ttyb weirdness
- Undying activities
- UNIX Batch Bug Tracked Down
- UNIX SVr3 Rel 1.01/TOWER 700 (nroff problem)
- Unmountable disk partitions
- untic
- Update: Tape Drive Light Problem
- Upgrade of Mini-Tower to 32/400
- Upgrading Tower/650 Unix + Oracle
- used NCR 656 removable disks available
- Used Tower Prices
- USR HST/ds Help
- uucp
- uucp (or equivalent) for NCR WorkSaver 300
- uucp between NCR Tower - HP 9000/850
- UUCP over TCP Problems
- uugetty and bi-directional calling
- uugetty for NCR Tower needed.
- uugetty on Tower to Tower connection
- vi/SIGPWR interaction
- vi/SIGPWR interaction in SVR3
- Vr2 to Vr3 upgrade, 32/400
- WANTED: NCR Century P/R & Scholars in COBOL
- WANTED: Cut Sheet Feeder for NEC Spinwriter 3510
- Wanted: NCR PC 916 32 bit Memory boards
- Wanted: sendmail for SYSV
- Wanted: UNIX-based cash register polling software
- What is useracc under System V.2?
- What price NCR Tower 32s
- Whats wrong with cpio -oTV /dev/rtp
- why do the 2.01.01 sa scripts disallow moving /tmp?
- WIN-TCP/IP 4.01.00 available
- WIN/TCP - socket descriptor problem
- WIN/TCP more socket questions/problems
- WIN/TCP Sessions Hanging
- Woops. Sorry.
- X Windows Release 4 question for NCR
- X-Windows Version 11.3 -- where is it?
Last message date: Fri 19 Aug 1994 - 23:07:59 EST
Archived on: Fri Jan 27 1995 - 01:48:14 EST
This archive was generated by hypermail 1.02.