This is the European X User Group's (EXUG) World Wide Web (WWW) info server, located at NADS GmbH, Germany.
If you have visited EXUG's WWW server once before, you may quickly check here for recent changes (last change on 9. February 1995).
Who's who at EXUG - EXUG management board and European representatives.
X, Motif and the Common Desktop Environment - The Sixth Annual European X Conference and Exhibition (EXUG '94)
EXUG '93 - The Fifth Annual European X Conference and Exhibition. The abstracts of the 1993 conference are available online. The full conference proceedings you can get via the EXUG secretariat.
A FAQ is a list of Frequently Asked Questions that are an assemble of collected knowledge from many sources and individuals. A huge body of knowledge about the X Window System is available as FAQs on the Internet.
Around the world there is a very large amount of public domain and contributed software for X, and it includes many high-quality tools and application programs. The first step in using any of this free software is to know that it exists. In a pilot project the Computing Services of the University of Edinburgh and the European X User Group give you a way to peruse the archives. It will tell you what software exists, usually with a very brief description for each item. You may be able to obtain many of these sources on tape or CD-ROM from the UKUUG Software Distribution Service.
X11R6 has been released on 2nd May 1994. You can buy the source distribution from the X Consortium on physical media or just retrieve it via FTP. See the list of offical distribution sites in North America, Europe, East Asia, and Australia to find your nearest FTP archive.
The Release Notes (available as ordinary text and in PostScript).
»X11R6-an overview«. This article by well-known Dan Heller was published in the 1993 July-August issue of The X Journal and is provided here with kind permission from SIGS Publications, Inc.
Fresco is an object-oriented application programming interface (API) for graphical user interfaces, covering functionality in Xlib and Xt, and adding structured graphics and application embedding. Fresco is under development by the X Consortium as an open, multi-vendor standard. At the 7th X Technical Conference in 1993, Mark Linton, InterViews' and Fresco's chief architect, and Chuck Price presented an overview of Interviews' successor: »Building Distributed User Interfaces with Fresco«. (Unfortunately the pages of this document are in the reverse order.)
A FAQ about Fresco written by Mark Linton himself may clarify your most pressing questions
As the successor to the MIT X Consortium, the X Consortium, Inc. is an independent, not-for-profit membership corporation to foster the development, evolution, and maintenance of the X Window System. To find out more, check the X Consortium's WWW server.
The XFree86 Project, Inc. is a non-profit organisation that produces XFree86, the X Window server for PC based UNIX systems. More information about this project you can get from The XFree86 Project's WWW server.
Kieron Drake of UniSoft Ltd., one of its authors, tells what the X Test Suite is and how it can be obtained.