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Interactive Learning in Calculus and Differential Equations with Applications

Interactive Learning in Calculus and Differential Equations with Applications

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The Mathematics Department at Indiana University of Pennsylvania (IUP) established a computerized learning environment, consisting of a classroom with 31 Macintosh Centris 650s and a laboratory with 12 Macintosh LCs, all equipped with Mathematica. Mathematica's notebook feature enables science students to actively learn calculus and differential equations with guided discovery and exploration. The project was funded through a National Science Foudation Instrumentation and Laboratory Improvement grant, number DUE-9351896. IUP's project has several significant attributes.

Check back later at this location for more Mathematica notebooks relating to calculus, ordinary differential equations, and partial differential equations. Some of the topics covered are:

In order to disseminate these Mathematica notebooks, one of the PIs in this grant wrote a program, mma2html, to convert Mathmematica notebooks to HTML documents. This program is available to the public.

  1. "Mathematica in the Classroom", Francisco Alarcon and Charles Bertness, Lock Haven University, February 21, 1994.
  2. "IUP's Mathematica Network", Rebecca Stoudt, poster session on "Computer Laboratories in Mathematics Education", American Mathematical Society/Mathematical Association of America Joint Meeting, Cincinnati, Ohio, January 1994.
  3. "Restructuring the First Differential Equations Course for Mathematics and Science Majors using Mathematica", Francisco Alarcon, in the MAA session "New Methods for Teaching Ordinary Differential Equations", American Mathematical Society/Mathematical Association of America Joint Meeting, Cincinnati, Ohio, January 15, 1994.

Francisco Alarcon, Don Balenovich, Charles Bertness, Gerald Buriok, Dan Burkett, Arlo Davis, H. Edward Donley, Gary Stoudt, Rebecca Stoudt

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