Dr. Dietmar Keller (PDS/Linke Liste):
As an MP I am sad that we haven't had any time during this legislative period to inform ourselves here in the Bundestag on Germany's cultural position, on the cultural landscape in Germany, on the standard and the development of the cultural infra-structure. That we have reached a situation where we have to decide this today does not make me happy. And I also confess, it has evoked a lot pro and contra within me. I will tell you indeed why. I feel myself remembering the times in the GDR as the politburo and not an art commission or the director of the Palace of the Republic decided which artist could exhibit in the Palace of the Republic and which pictures could be exhibited.
It is not the function of parliament to decide on something of this sort. If we have to decide this, then I say yes to this decision although this is difficult for me, and that for two reasons. First: Because of his intention to wrap the Reichstag, Christo never had a chance to come to and exhibit in the GDR. I would like to make good a part of what was caused to him as damage with this aye.
I honestly admit - I have spoken with Christo about this - that we wanted to invite him but we never had the chance and it was forbidden. Secondly, I vote for this because I admire the fact that an artist has struggled for the realization of this work of art for over two decades, so that the responsible institutions of the parliament, of the steering committee had already had the ability to to decide positively, long before the unity of Germany, without the Reichstag having to be shrouded in a halo. I thus vote yes. And if I am not lucky enough to belong to the majority, then I am recommending to Christo that he apply to pack up the Treuhand [Trust of former nationalized properties of the GDR],
Or he can also pack up the Gauck authorities [charged with maintaining the no-longer secret files of the GDR secret police] in order to comply with the wish for an interval of peace for the election year. Thank you.
Foto: Aleks Perkovic © Wolfgang Volz