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What's New
Developer Services and Products

Each time we upload new content to this WWW server, we will update this page. This does not include updates to our ftp site.

June 7, 1995
Selected articles from develop Issue 22: QuickDraw 3D: A New Dimension for Macintosh Graphics, Copland: The Mac OS Moves Into the Future, The OpenDoc User Experience, and Balance of Power: MacsBug for PowerPC.

Macintosh Programmer's Toolbox Assistant now contains a database for the new Quickdraw 3D.

May 1995
Official DTS sample code can now be viewed online. This sample code, and supporting documentation, has many hypertext links to aid you in navigating the code.

Information and updates to our new Macintosh Programmer's Toolbox Assistant.

June Apple Directions: Copland, Open Transport Beta, Developer University Price Reduction, Macintosh Software Sales, Network Nirvana, OpenDoc Architecture, Internet Frontier, MPW Pro, and more!

Macintosh Technical Q & A's
This is a compendium of questions and answers that Apple's Developer Support Center (DSC) has received on a set of specific topics. Some are frequently asked and answered Q & A's, which address issues that come up from developers in the course of building products for the Macintosh; others describe changes in various Macintosh technologies and environments. Macintosh Technical Q & A's provide developers with real-world solutions, workarounds, and code snippets. These Q & A's are currently available in HTML only; we are preparing them for our ftp site in Acrobat.

April, 1995
Selected articles from develop Issue 21: Getting Started With OpenDoc Graphics, A First Look at Dylan, Designing a Scripting Implementation, and Introducing PowerPC Assembly Language.

May Apple Directions: WWDC, Workgroup Servers, DayStar Digital Licenses Mac OS, Internet Servers, Test Lab, Pippin, OpenDoc HI, Newton Software Markets and more!

New Developer University schedules, descriptions, registration information. Online courses are now What is OpenDoc?, Introduction to RISC Technology, and Programmer's Introduction to PowerPC.

The Macintosh Developers Guide is a showcase for the best development tool products, vendors, and services in the business. From application development tools to solution tools to client/server tools, this guide provides you with information to help you make informed decisions on tools purchases -- decisions that will ultimately result in faster and better software development.

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Send feedback to dpfeedback@applelink.apple.com.

last modified by mjw on 7-June-95