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From: Greenpeace ship MV Solo

Date: WED 1-MAR-95 07:54:59 GMT -- Day 7

The Solo's position at 0700 GMT was 29 degrees and 3 minutes North and 23 degrees and 24 minutes West, which puts us 300 miles west of Palma, one of the Canary Islands. We have passed the Canary Islands at a closest distance of 265 miles at 1930 GMT yesterday night. Our current speed is 14 knots and our course is still heading southwest or 215 degrees on the compass.

At 2300 GMT yesterday night the Portuguese Frigate "Oliveira E Carmo" left the Pacific Pintail and was replaced at that time by the Spanish Patrol Boat P72, the "Centinella" . The Centinella is a sistership of the Serviola, which observed the Pacific Pintail earlier in our voyage.

Best regards

No Nukes!

Bas Bruyne

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