From: Greenpeace vessel MV Solo tracking Pacific Pintail
Date: MON 27-MAR-95 08:15:44 GMT - DAY 33, PART I


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The Pacific Pintail's position (0700 GMT) is 800 miles southeast of Easter Island, in a position of 39 degrees 35 minutes south, and 103 degrees and 26 minutes west. The ship's course is 320 degrees and it is sailing at a speed of 13 knots. We expect to pass Easter Island on a distance of some 220 miles.

The Climate Summit in Berlin begins today with more than one hundred countries meeting to discuss one of the most important issues we now face -- getting the world's global warming gas emissions under control to prevent global warming. There is a strong link between the Climate meeting and our mission tracking in this nuclear waste ship since pro-nuclear power advocates insist that nuclear power is the only answer to stabilizing CO2 (global warming gas) emissions. This argument has been used to legitimize a power source that is expensive, ultimately linked to nuclear weapons capability, dangerous and non-sustainable. Nuclear waste alone -- thousands of barrels of radioactive material with a life-span of over 100 thousand years being produced by nuclear waste states every year -- is enough to question the viability of nuclear power. Clearly its time for something new.

At the Berlin summit, Greenpeace will call on nations to commit to exploring alternative, sustainable and non-polluting energy sources with the same vigour many of them have pursued oil, coal and nuclear power. See our Climate Summit section for more information.

For additional information on the Pacific Pintail's voyage or it's cargo of plutonium waste contact Bas Bruyne on the Solo (phone: ++874-1301166--WARNING $10 PER MINUTE), or Karen Richardson at Greenpeace UK (phone: ++44-171-226-3151). Photo, video, or other media requests to Blair Palese or Mark Warford at Greenpeace Communications (phone: ++44-71-833-0600).

Best regards and No Nukes!
Ulf Birgander (Captain)

From: Greenpeace Vessel MV Solo tracking Pacific Pintail
Date: MON 27-MAR-95 19:08:04 GMT - DAY 33, PART II


The Pacific Pintail's position is 37 degrees 38 minutes south, and 105 degrees and 32 minutes west. The ship's course is 320 degrees and it is sailing at a speed of 11 knots. We expect to pass Easter Island on a distance of some 220 miles in about 2.5 days.

For additional information on the Pacific Pintail's voyage or it's cargo of plutonium waste, contact Bas Bruyne on the Solo (phone: ++874-1301166--warning $10 per minute), or Karen Richardson at Greenpeace UK (phone: ++44-171-226-3151). Photo, video, or other media requests to Blair Palese or Mark Warford at Greenpeace Communications (phone: ++44-171-833-0600).

Best regards and No Nukes!
Ulf Birgander (Captain)

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