From: Greenpeace ship MV Solo tracking Pacific Pintail
Date: SAT 11-MAR-95 07:08:30 GMT -- DAY 17, PART I


hide random home (Einblicke ins Internet, 10/1995)

The position of the Pacific Pintail at 0700 GMT was 22 degrees and 15 minutes South and 38 degrees West, on a distance 175 nautical miles of the Brazilian Coast, and 300 miles northeast of the Brazilian city Rio de Janeiro. We are sailing on a compass course of 207 degrees at a speed of 13.5 knots.

If additional information on the Pacific Pintail's voyage or it's cargo of radioactive waste is required, please contact Bas Bruyne on the Solo (phone: ++871-1301166--warning $10 per minute), or Karen Richardson, Greenpeace UK (++44171-226-3141).

Media and others interested in tracking the shipment's route daily should access Greenpeace World Wide Web site at: HTTP://

Best regards and No Nukes!
Ulf Birgander (Captain)
Bas Bruyne (Campaigner)

From: MV Solo
Date: SAT 11-MAR-95 18:57:11 GMT -- Day 17, Part II


Brazil, Argentina and Chile all have banned the shipment of plutonium waste from the waters under their jurisdiction. This dangerous transport with the Pacific Pintail is legitimised by the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty's (NPT) promotion of nuclear power and plutonium reprocessing. Greenpeace urges en route nations to call for a ban on plutonium production at talks on the NPT in New York in April and to oppose indefinite extension of the Treaty, which would amount to a permanent licence to produce plutonium and other nuclear bomb-usable material and ship it around the globe.

Both France and the United Kingdom have been actively promoting an indefinite extension of the NPT. If passed in April, indefinite extension would continue to favour nations such as France and the UK who threaten global security with their nuclear forces. In February, just after the final preparation conference for the NPT, France demonstrated its lack of commitment to disarmament (the stated purpose of the NPT) by testing a new type of missile for the delivery of nuclear warheads from their nuclear powered "Triomphant-Class" submarines. These submarines may be used to operate off the coasts of Asia, South America and Africa, and constitute a direct threat to regional and global security.

If additional information on the Pacific Pintail's voyage or it's cargo of plutonium waste is required, please contact Bas Bruyne on the Solo (phone: ++871-1301166--warning $10 per minute) or Karen Richardson at Greenpeace UK (phone: ++44-171-226-3151). Photo, video, soundtrack or requests for communication-transcripts should be made to Blair Palese or Mark Warford at Greenpeace Communications (44-171-833-0600).

Media and others interested in tracking the shipment's route daily should access Greenpeace World Wide Web site at: HTTP://

Best regards and No Nukes!
Ulf Birgander (Captain)
Bas Bruyne (Campaigner)

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