(Einblicke ins Internet, 10/1995)
Where can I get (info|inter|ora|sql|syb)perl?
Where can I get (info|inter|ora|sql|syb)perl?
Numerous database-oriented extensions to Perl have been written.
These amount to using the usub mechanism (see the usub/ subdirectory
in the distribution tree) to link in a database library, allowing
embedded calls to Informix, Interbase, Oracle, Ingres, and Sybase.
There is currently a project underway, organized by Buzz Moschetti
<>, to create a higher level interface
(DBperl) that will allow you to write your queries in a
database-independent fashion. If you're interested, send
mail to <> and ask to be placed on the mailing list.
Meanwhile, here are the authors of the various extensions:
What Target DB Who
-------- ----------- ----------------------------------------
Infoperl Informix Kurt Andersen (
Interperl Interbase Buzz Moschetti (
Oraperl Oracle Kevin Stock (
Sqlperl Ingres Ted Lemon (
Sybperl Sybase Michael Peppler (
Here's a bit of advertising from Buzz:
Perl is an interpreted language with powerful string, scalar, and array
processing features developed by Larry Wall that "nicely bridges the
functionality gap between sh(1) and C." Since relational DB operations
are typically textually oriented, perl is particularly well-suited to
manage the data flows. The C source code, which is available free of
charge and runs on many platforms, contains a user-defined function entry
point that permits a developer to extend the basic function set of the
language. The DBperl Group seeks to exploit this capability by creating a
standardized set of perl function extensions (e.g. db_fetch(), db_attach())
based the SQL model for manipulating a relational DB, thus providing a
portable perl interface to a variety of popular RDMS engines including
Sybase, Oracle, Ingres, Informix, and Interbase. In theory, any DB engine
that implements a dynamic SQL interpreter in its HLI can be bolted onto
the perl front end with predicatable results, although at this time
backends exist only for the aforementioned five DB engines.
A copy of the latest sybperl (patch level 6) can be found in the DBperl
archives on
This archive also contains ports for Ingres, Oracle, Sybase, Informix,
Unify, Postgres, and Interbase, as well as rdb and shql; it's the home
of the evolving DBperl API Specification.