I am a Programer/Consultant living and working in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. I specialize in the QNX operating system, and have over 7 years of experience with QNX 2, and several months with QNX 4.
I have an incredible girlfriend that I just happened to meet while voluntering for CUUG's helpSIG. She's got her own home page here.
I am one of the WEBmasters for CUUG, and I also do some WWW page design as well as custom cgi scripts for WWW.
When I am not in front of a computer you can usually find me down at LPSC (Lindsay Park Sports Center). I can be found on the track trying to sweat my gut away (it is getting smaller I swear!) or more often than not in the weight room training for diving. Of course, I spend most of my time at LPSC in the dive tank practising my dives or working with my coach.
I've been learing how to dive competetively now for about 7 months, and I still have a fair amount of training and a ton of practice to go. I hope to eventually be able to compete in one of the Masters competitions. I do most of my work on the 1m springboard, and occasionally some work on the 3m springboard. I have not done any real platform diving, but that can wait until I get better on the springboards!
For those of you that can "speak" diving, here are the dives I have managed to learn so far: