I am a multimedia consultant/programmer with emphasis on internet and the web, graphics and animation. For more information about my technical qualifications, you might want a peek at my resume. As for my hobbies I have a whole page of them... 8)
Sometime near the beginning of that particular obsession, I discovered that philosophical taoism made a lot of sense. However, applying it to daily life has proved more difficult than than I hoped in a world where everyone is expected to be an A-type personality. Ah well, this too is life.
I was going to talk about my computer philosophies, but dinner beckons, so I'll just say: click here for my public pgp key. 8)
My mother, Caroline Wang, is a Chinese Brushwork Artist and teacher. IM(absolutely objective 8)HO her work is wonderful, but you can judge for yourself when I find the time to digitize a sample. Also, if you're interested in real estate in exciting and sunny Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada we might be able to help you 8)
My oldest brother, Alvin Wang, is a computer consultant currently working in the States.
My second brother, Brian Wang, was once a computer professional like the rest of us, but decided to go for an MBA and is now a financial/admin type working for SFA in Hong Kong.
My good friend and constant companion, Mark James, is also a computer professional and one of the creators of the Idea Futures game.
Last Modified:Saturday, 29-Jul-95 17:51:39 MDT
Page accessed at local time: Tuesday, 08-Aug-95 18:00:07 MDT