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Section Program Ideas

Section Program Material

Under construction and awaiting suggestions from you?????
Any ideas or contributions please send them in.
For Magazine arrticles on program and games ideas try:
  • Leader magazine articles and other files







    From: Dave Huddlestone  davehudd@fox.nstn.ca
    Subject: Program Ideas Section
    I will be giving a session at the coming Fall's Scouters Conference (Ottawa -
    October 28) on the subject of advancement Beavers to Cubs to Scouts.
    I would like to receive some feedback on program ideas on how various groups do
    I have developed a framework called the N.E.A.R Program that describes how
    the 11th Ottawa encourages movement through the various levels in Scouting.
    I could e-mail or fax it to those who may be interested.
    However, to be a more credible presenter, could you let me know how you
    encourage leaders and youth members to move on the next levels in Scouting.
    Also welcomed: ideas on how to use Keeo and Kim effectively in encouraging
    Do you offer (or hint at) any form of incentives?  Is your Partner involved in
    some way?

    go Comments and requests for posting information can be sent from here
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    Disclaimer - Views and information posted here are not necessarily those of the home page owner or Scouts Canada, but of the group or individual who requested the posting of the document.
    Patrick Scholefield (scholefp@cuug.ab.ca) -last modified Mon 24-Apr-95