(Einblicke ins Internet, 10/1995) Patrick's - Home Page
Revised August 3, 1995 Beware! these pages continuously under construction.....
This Scouting in Canada home page resides on the server of the Calgary Unix Users' Group cuug in Calgary Alberta Canada.
Thanks are due to the many volunteers, organizations and businesses who have made it possible for members such as myself to set up their own home pages. This site is purely an invention of my own and has been setup to help organizations such as the Scout Movement and the Cochrane Wildlife Reserve Swiftfox Release Progam receive better exposure. Why these two such widely differeing organizations? I am a member of the Scout Movement 8th. B.-P. Guild and am also a Biologist with the Alberta Provincial Government. Please submit the Comment Form if you wish to provide comments on these pages or to add your name to the Guest Book orScout E-Mail Directory. Have a message you want to post? Post it on the Bulletin Board