(Einblicke ins Internet, 10/1995)
1.0 : Introduction
2.0 : Credits
3.0 : General Information
3.1 What is "B5" aka "Babylon 5" ?
3.2 Who is jms?
3.3 Where can I find more information about Babylon5?
4.0 : Using The Mailing List
4.1 How do I subscribe to the mailing list?
4.2 How do I post a message to the list?
4.3 Are there any files available for request?
4.4 How do get a list of the available files?
4.5 How do I retrieve a file, now that I know it's name?
4.6 Are there other commands for the babylon5-request address?
4.7 What software is used to run the mailing list?
5.0 : Air times
5.1 Calgary Airing of Babylon 5
5.2 Edmonton Airing of Babylon 5
5.3 Red Deer Airing of Babylon 5
5.4 Medicine Hat Airing of Babylon 5
6.0 : TV Station Addresses
6.1 RDTV
6.2 WSBK-38
6.3 KHQ-6
7.0 : Who has tapes
8.0 : Miscellaneous
8.1 Is any Babylon5 related merchandise available locally?
9.0 : Contributors