hide random home http://www.cuug.ab.ca:8001/~dicka/list.html (Einblicke ins Internet, 10/1995)

Many of the following links come from a search of the web, using 'Art Gallery' as a key. As you will soon learn, 'art' and 'gallery' mean different things to different people. However the links I've followed are all (so far) at least somewhat appropriate.

I haven't checked them all out, so I can't endorse them. Perhaps one day, I'll organise this list by categories and throw out any imposters. However -- for now --I hope you enjoy exploring from this list as much as I have.

Don't get lost out there on the web, and don't be a stranger. Y'all come back now, Y' hear??


A list of Art Galleries and Resources on the Web

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