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Volume 1, Number 1

Agent Orange: V1,N1 pg 10
Alligator: V1,N1 pg 34
American Bullfrog: V1,N1 pg 34
Amur Leopard: V1,N1 pg 12-16
Amur Tiger: V1,N1 pg 12-16
Andean Condor Release: V1,N1 pg 26
Animal Knowledge and Information Network: V1,N1 pg 2
Animal Rights Terrorists: V1,N1 pg 11
Apistocalamus-New Guinea: V1,N1 pg 9
Architeuthis princeps: V1,N1 pg 51
Arctic Flounder Genes: V1,N1 pg 39
Arthropods: V1,N1 pg 43-48
Ascaphus truei: V1,N1 pg 33
Asiatic Black Bears: V1,N1 pg 19
Avian Botulism: V1,N1 pg 25
Animal Knowledge and Information Network: V1,N1 pg 2
Animal Rights Terrorists: V1,N1 pg 11
Apistocalamus-New Guinea: V1,N1 pg 9
Architeuthis princeps: V1,N1 pg 51
Arctic Flounder Genes: V1,N1 pg 39
Arthropods: V1,N1 pg 43-48
Ascaphus truei: V1,N1 pg 33
Asiatic Black Bears: V1,N1 pg 19
Avian Botulism: V1,N1 pg 25
Bald Eagle: V1,N1 pg 10
Bark Beetles: V1,N1 pg 3
Bees-Borneo Mites: V1,N1 pg 50
Bees: V1,N1 pg 49
Beetles-Rove and Ground: V1,N1 pg 48
Big Wild: V1,N1 pg 6
Bighorn Sheep: V1,N1 pg 10
Biodiversity-Insects: V1,N1 pg 43-48
Bird Vision: V1,N1 pg 25
Birds-oil stack deaths: V1,N1 pg 26-27
Blue Mountain Caddisfly: V1,N1 pg 49
Bluefin Tuna: V1,N1 pg 38
Bluehead Wrasse: V1,N1 pg 40-41
Boreal Forest: V1,N1 pg 12-16
Bull Trout Status: V1,N1 pg 39
Burrowing Snakes: V1,N1 pg 9
Buteo regalis: V1,N1 pg 27
Caddisfly-Blue Mountain: V1,N1 pg 49
California Condor Breeding: V1,N1 pg 25
Canada Goose-repellant: V1,N1 pg 24
Canada Goose-Control: V1,N1 pg 24
Canada Goose-Scarecrows: V1,N1 pg 34
Canopy Research Station: V1,N1 pg 43-48
Captive Breeding-Ibis: V1,N1 pg 21-23
Caribou-Barren-Ground: V1,N1 pg 17
Carmanah Valley: V1,N1 pg 43-48
Carp Control-Australia: V1,N1 pg 39
Carrier Pigeons: V1,N1 pg 27
Cephalorhynchus hectori: V1,N1 pg 19
Chickens-Free-ranging: V1,N1 pg 26
Chilkat Eagle Preserve: V1,N1 pg 10
Chrysemys scripta elegans: V1,N1 pg 32
Ciguatoxin: V1,N1 pg 42
CITES: V1,N1 pg 11
CITES-Taiwan: V1,N1 pg 16
Clemmys marmorata: V1,N1 pg 32
Cobras- African: V1,N1 pg 31
Cod-North Atlantic: V1,N1 pg 38
Coho Salmon: V1,N1 pg 40
Condor-Andean-Release: V1,N1 pg 26
Coral Reef Collapse: V1,N1 pg 8
Coral Reef: V1,N1 pg 42
Cougars: V1,N1 pg 17
Coulter, Malcolm C.: V1,N1 pg 21-23
Crested Ibis: V1,N1 pg 21-23
Crocodile Scarecrows: V1,N1 pg 34
Cyprinus carpio: V1,N1 pg 39
DDT: V1,N1 pg 10
DDT-Ospreys: V1,N1 pg 26
Deer Mice: V1,N1 pg 20
Dendroica chrysopareia: V1,N1 pg 24
Desert Tortoise Sexing: V1,N1 pg 33
Dioxin Study: V1,N1 pg 11
Dog Fighting: V1,N1 pg 18
Ducks-Botulism: V1,N1 pg 25
Duck Poaching: V1,N1 pg 27
Elephant-Sri Lankan-Zoo: V1,N1 pg 18
Elephant-Circus Rampage: V1,N1 pg 19
Endangered Bird-Warbler: V1,N1 pg 24
Endangered Species Act: V1,N1 pg 39
Endangered Species Act-Caddisfly: V1,N1 pg 49
Endangered Species Plan: V1,N1 pg 11
Endangered Sturgeon: V1,N1 pg 41
EPA Dioxin Study: V1,N1 pg 11
Eulichan: V1,N1 pg 35-37
European Carp Control: V1,N1 pg 39
European Wall Lizard: V1,N1 pg 34
Exxon Valdez: V1,N1 pg 8
Far Eastern Leopard: V1,N1 pg 12-16
Ferruginous Hawk: V1,N1 pg 27
Fish and Wildlife Bill: V1,N1 pg 8
Fish and Wildlife Officers, Canada: V1,N1 pg 11
Fish: declines: V1,N1 pg 38
Fish - DNA Analyisis: V1,N1 pg 38
Fish Lab-Fast growth: V1,N1 pg 41
Fish Poisoning: V1,N1 pg 42
Fish - overheated: V1,N1 pg 38
Fisheries-Salmon : V1,N1 pg 41-42
Fishery Cuts: V1,N1 pg 42
Florida Marine Habitat: V1,N1 pg 17
Forest: V1,N1 pg 6
Forest & Forest Canopies: V1,N1 pg 43-48
Forest Fires: V1,N1 pg 3-6
Forest Floor: V1,N1 pg 43-48
Frank Lake-Alberta: V1,N1 pg 9
Free-range Chickens: V1,N1 pg 26
Frog-Northern Leopard: V1,N1 pg 31
George Miksch Sutton Avian Research Center: V1,N1 pg 25
Giant Panda: V1,N1 pg 21
Giant Squid: V1,N1 pg 51
Goannas: V1,N1 pg 32
Golden-cheeked Warbler: V1,N1 pg 24
Gopher Tortoise Sexing: V1,N1 pg 33
Gorilla: V1,N1 pg 20
Gorilla Foundation: V1,N1 pg 18
Grease Trail-Eulichans: V1,N1 pg 36
Great White Shark: V1,N1 pg 41
Greater Salmon-Selway Ecosystem, GSSP, N.W. United States: V1,N1 pg 6
Grizzly: V1,N1 pg 9
Ground Beetle: V1,N1 pg 48
Hantavirus: V1,N1 pg 20
Harpaphe laydeniana laydeniana: V1,N1 pg 43
Hawk-Ferruginous: V1,N1 pg 27
Hector's Dolphin: V1,N1 pg 19
Helicopter Noise: V1,N1 pg 10
Honeybees-Tracheal Mites: V1,N1 pg 49
Humboldt Penguins: V1,N1 pg 24
Human Overpopulation: V1,N1 pg 8
Human Overpopulation-Coral Reefs: V1,N1 pg 8
Ibis: V1,N1 pg 21-23
Icelandic Scallops: V1,N1 pg 50
Ichneumonidae Family: V1,N1 pg 46
Idaho-Military jets: V1,N1 pg 10
Inbreeding-Tiger and Leopard: V1,N1 pg 12-16
Insect Biodiversity: V1,N1 pg 43-48
Insect Communities: V1,N1 pg 43-48
Insecticides-Alaska: V1,N1 pg 10
Italian Wildlife: V1,N1 pg 11
IUCN: V1,N1 pg 21-23
Jungle Vipers: V1,N1 pg 34
Kangaroos-dehydrated: V1,N1 pg 20
Kemano Project-Eulichan: V1,N1 pg 36
Kelson, John: V1,N1 pg 35-37
Kitilope: V1,N1 pg 35
Koalas: V1,N1 pg 19
Kootenay River White Sturgeon: V1,N1 pg 41
Lambs-New Zealand: V1,N1 pg 18
Law of the Sea: V1,N1 pg 38
Leiopelmatidae: V1,N1 pg 33
Leopard: V1,N1 pg 12-16
Leopard Frog: V1,N1 pg 31
Lerista bougainvillii: V1,N1 pg 28-30
Lions-Virus African and Asian: V1,N1 pg 19
Logging: V1,N1 pg 3,4,5,6 and 7
Logging-Eulichan: V1,N1 pg 35-37
Logging-Russia: V1,N1 pg 14-15
Logging-Sediment-Trout: V1,N1 pg 39
Logging-Tailed Frogs: V1,N1 pg 33
Lynx Spider: V1,N1 pg 50
Man-made Marshes: V1,N1 pg 26
Manatee: V1,N1 pg 17
Mangrove Swamps-Pakistan: V1,N1 pg 7
Millipede: V1,N1 pg 43
Mining Protests-Montana: V1,N1 pg 9
Mites: V1,N1 pg 44-48
Mites-Borneon Vampire: V1,N1 pg 50
Mites: Bee Tracheal: V1,N1 pg 49
Monitors: V1,N1 pg 32
Monitor Scale I.D.: V1,N1 pg 33
Moose-Wolves-Yukon: V1,N1 pg 17
Mosquito Control: V1,N1 pg 26
Mountain Gorilla: V1,N1 pg 20
Mt. Saint Helens-Frogs: V1,N1 pg 33
Naja nigricollis: V1,N1 pg 31
Native People-Eulichan: V1,N1 pg 35-37
North American Breeding Bird Survey, BBS: V1,N1 pg 24-25
Northern Alligator Lizard: V1,N1 pg34
Northern Leopard Frog: V1,N1 pg 31
Oil Spill: Taipei: V1,N1 pg 8
Oil Spill-Alaska: V1,N1 pg 8
Oil Spill-Juan de Fuca Strait: V1,N1 pg 9
Oil Stack Deaths: V1,N1 pg 26-27
Old Growth Forest: V1,N1 pg 4-5 and 6
Old Growth Forest: V1,N1 pg 35-37
Old Growth Forest-Insects and Arthropods: V1,N1 pg 43-48
Oolichan: V1,N1 pg 35-37
Oriental Crested Ibis: V1,N1 pg 21-23
Ospreys: V1,N1 pg 26
Overfishing: V1,N1 pg 38
Overfishing: V1,N1 pg 41
Ovis canadensis: V1,N1 pg 10
Panda-Giant-captive births: V1,N1 pg 20
Panda-radar imaging: V1,N1 pg 20
Parasitic Wasps: V1,N1 pg 46
PCB's- Dolphin: V1,N1 pg 19
Penguin Conference: Japan: V1,N1 pg 24
Penguins: V1,N1 pg 24
Peromyscus maniculatus: V1,N1 pg 20
PETA-Bird deaths: V1,N1 pg 26-27
Pigeons: V1,N1 pg 27
Pit Bull: V1,N1 pg 18
Pneumonic Plaque: V1,N1 pg 20
Poaching-Tigers&Leopards: V1,N1 pg 12-16
Podarcis muralis: V1,N1 pg 34
Prescribed Burns: V1,N1 pg 3
Primorski Region, Russia: V1,N1 pg 12-16
Qualls, Carl: sand-swimming skink: V1,N1 pg 28-30
Rainy Hollow Chemical Spill: V1,N1 pg 10
Rainforests-New Guinea: V1,N1 pg 9
Rana catesbeiana: V1,N1 pg 34
Red-eared Slider: V1,N1 pg 32
Research Funding-Birds: V1,N1 pg 25
Researchers: V1,N1 pg 52
Rhino-microchipped horns: V1,N1 pg 19
Rocky Mountain Goats: V1,N1 pg 20
Salmon: V1,N1 pg 40
Salmon Disappearance: V1,N1 pg 41-42
Saltmarsh Use: V1,N1 pg 26
Sand Swimming Skink: V1,N1 pg 28-30
Sawfly: V1,N1 pg 47
Scallops: V1/N1 pg 50
Scaphinotus angusticollis: V1,N1 pg 48
Scientific Names: V1,N1 pg 2
Sea Turtle-Thailand: V1,N1 pg 31
Second Growth Forest: V1,N1 pg 43-48
Shaanxi Province-China: V1,N1 pg 21-23
Shark-Great White: V1,N1 pg 41
Sheep-lambs-New Zealand: V1,N1 pg 18
Siberian Forests Protection Project: V1,N1 pg 12-16
Siberian Tiger: V1,N1 pg 12-16
Skink-Sand Swimming: V1,N1 pg 28-30
Soceye Salmon: V1,N1 pg 40
Solkin, Vasiliy A.: V1.N1 pg 12-16
Spheniscus humboldti: V1,N1 pg 24
Spitting Cobras- African: V1,N1 pg 31
Spotted Owl: V1,N1 pg 4-5
Squids: V1,N1 pg 51
Supersonic Jets-Idaho: V1,N1 pg 10
Taiga-Russia: V1,N1 pg 12-16
Tailed Frog Studies: V1,N1 pg 33
Tapinillus: V1/N1 pg 50
Tarantula-Canadian: V1,N1 pg 45
Thalassoma bifasciatum: V1,N1 pg 40-41
Tigers: V1,N1 pg 12-16
Tortoise Sexing: V1,N1 pg 33
Tree Kangaroo-new species: V1,N1 pg 20
Turtles,Non-natives: V1,N1 pg 32
Typhoon Gladys,Taipei: V1,N1 pg 8
Ungulates,Russia: V1,N1 pg 14
Virgin Islands Conservation: V1,N1 pg 6
Volcano Ash, New Guinea: V1,N1 pg 9
Wasps: V1,N1 pg 43-48
Waterbird Marsh Use: V1,N1 pg 26
Waterfowl: V1,N1 pg 25
Waterfowl Increases: V1,N1 pg 27
Waterfowl Lake Restoration: V1,N1 pg 9
Watershed: V1,N1 pg 45
Western Pond Turtle: V1,N1 pg 32
Western Canadian Wilderness Committee, WCWC: V1,N1 pg 43-48
Wetland Protection: V1,N1 pg 8
Whaleback-Alberta: V1,N1 pg 8
White Shark: V1,N1 pg 41
White Sturgeon-Kootenay: V1,N1 pg 41
Wilderness Act-U.S.: V1,N1 pg 10
Wilderness Areas, Australia: V1,N1 pg 8
Wildfires 1994: V1,N1 pg 5 to 6
Wildlife Lab: V1,N1 pg 11
Wildlife: Italian Officials: V1,N1 pg 11
Winchester, Neville: V1,N1 pg 43-48
Wolves-Aerial Kill-Yukon: V1,N1 pg 17
Woodland Bird Survey: V1,N1 pg 24-25
Yellowstone-Nearby Mining: V1,N1 pg 9
Yellowstone Fires: V1,N1 pg 2
Yellowstone Fires: V1,N1 pg 5