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What's A CUUG?


The Calgary UNIX Users' Group (CUUG) is a non-profit organization dedicated to the promotion of UNIX, and Open Systems. It was created in 1990 and has grown to a membership of almost 1200. See the statement of CUUG's Objectives in our bylaws.

Through the sponsorship of major computer and peripheral manufacturers, CUUG offers its members access to high performance UNIX workstations in CUUG's Computer Resource Center (CRC). You can see what is happening at CUUG's CRC.

CUUG Office

The CUUG Office is located at:

Suite 1520 , Alberta Stock Exchange Tower 
300 5 Avenue SW Calgary T2P 3C4 Canada

Office Hours are 11:30 am to 4:30 pm Monday - Friday. 

phone +1(403) 265-2289 fax 261-5633
e-mail office@cuug.ab.ca

Facilities Available

Members may access the CRC and its equipment via modem, or may visit the CRC during normal business hours to use the machines directly. SLIP and PPP access are provided so that member-owned computers may connect directly with CUUG's internal Ethernet network.

In addition to providing news and mail for dial up access, CUUG currently feeds news and mail to about 80 member operated UUCP sites.

Other facilities offered members include direct access to the Internet. All facilities available are available directly to members, including remote login via 'telnet', file transfer via 'ftp', file searching with 'archie' and moving along the World Wide Web (WWW) by means of 'lynx', 'mosaic' or 'netscape'.

CUUG operates its own WWW home page, and members are encouraged to have personal home pages. Currently there are about 35 member operated home pages in various states of construction.

Due to the outstanding efforts of its volunteers, CUUG has an enviable record for 'uptime', however,

CUUG is a Unix Users Group, NOT an Internet Service Provider

CUUG makes no guarantee that any of the services mentioned above will be available at any given time.

Monthly Meetings

CUUG holds general meetings 10 times per year from September to June, and these are normally held in Gulf Canada's auditorium, 3rd floor, 401 9 Ave SW at 5 PM on the 4th Tuesday of each month. Each meeting has a presentation, normally made by one of CUUG's corporate sponsors. In addition, a light supper is provided.

There is no charge for members, and a nominal fee ($15.00) for non-members and guests.


Published 10 times per year, PaperNet is the CUUG Newsletter. Articles keep members informed about what is happening with UNIX in Calgary. Some back issues of PaperNet are on line.

Membership Dues

For $100 annually an individual has access to all of CUUG's resources. Group memberships pay according to a sliding rate schedule. Restricted Student memberships are available at a considerable discount. Note that our bylaws state members must be at least 18 years of age.


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