(Einblicke ins Internet, 10/1995)
Universitaet Dortmund / Fachbereich Chemie
Willkommen im Fachbereich Chemie der Universität Dortmund
Dieser Server bietet Dokumente in den Sprachen Deutsch und Englisch an. Hyperlinks können auch auf Dokumente anderer Rechner verweisen.
This server serves documents in the languages german and english. Hyperlinks may point to documents of other Computers.
News: Ich habe eine E-mail-liste
für alle WWW-admins aus dem Bereich Dortmund eingerichtet.
17.4.1995 / The Web Administration
Fachbereiche an der Universität Dortmund
Sonstige Institute, die der Universität Dortmund zugeordnet sind
On this server you will find:
Information retrieval:
If you are looking for information in the World Wide Web you can use
the German Archie Gateway
or our UniDo Meta-Index, wich is by now just a copy of
the original Meta-Index (University of Geneva).
Note: Some of the original Geneva Meta-Index entries didn't work! This isn't true for our
UniDo Meta-Index. (Well, still not for every entry, but we are working
on it!) / 13.06.1994
Chemical information in WWW:
The Web-document Chemical
On-line Presentations, Talks and Workshops is contributed by
Henry S. Rzepa, who is a Reader in the
Chemistry Department, part of the
Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine and Medicine, London, UK SW7 2AY.
Well done.
Other servers:
WWW-server of the University of Dortmund.
, a 2D mapping of information services in WWW.
A list of known Web-Servers in Germany.
And the most interesting service: What's up in our Mensa this week?
Whenever you see the logo: you may click on it and return to this page.
21.06.1994 / The Web Administration
Univ.-Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Paul Bleckmann
Dipl.-Chem. Lothar Koniczek