hide random home http://www.cevis.uni-bremen.de/ (Einblicke ins Internet, 10/1995)

CeVis Home Page

Center for Complex Systems and Visualisation

University of Bremen
Bibliothekstr. 1
D-28359 BREMEN, Germany

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CeVis is an institute of the University of Bremen at the department of Mathematics and Computer Science. Its roots can be found in the Institute for Dynamical Systems which was founded in 1978. Starting as a group of this institute with primary interests in fundamental mathematical research CeVis became an independent center in 1990. Since then it has taken on more and more projects in cooperation with industry, banks, and medical institutes. In addition to that, Cevis is involved in teacher enhancement in the United States and in Germany.

Currently, the medical wing of CeVis is establishing a new institute of its own:
MeVis, Medical Visualization and Diagnostic Systems.
Clinical workstation development, vessel system reconstruction, mammography, fractal structures, multimedia, ...

Major Activities of CeVis

 Analysis of Time Series 

 Cellular Automata 
 Fractal Patterns,
 Linear Automata

 Teacher enhancement
 Books, etc.

 Fractals and Chaos 
 Videos, etc.

Further Information

Meetings at CeVis

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