Alternatively, you can download collections of snapshots from those video clips, including textual descriptions.
Culture in Bavaria, ca. 100 sec
(mpg (15,1 MB) -
avi (8,9 MB))
Snapshots (aerial views, historic and modern
Economy, part 1, ca. 30 sec
(mpg (4,6 MB) -
avi (2,3 MB))
Snapshots (around airport Munich II)
Economy, part 2, ca. 60 sec
(mpg (9,7 MB) -
avi (5,5 MB))
Snapshots (waver production, porcellain
manufacturing, automobile industry)
Economy, part 3, ca. 40 sec
(mpg (6,7 MB) -
avi (3,6 MB))
Snapshots (automation systems, ICE (high speed
train), space research)