(Einblicke ins Internet, 10/1995)
for Friday, June 9, 1995
copyright 1995, Apple Computer, Inc
Top of the HotNews
Microsoft may soon face another antitrust suit, now over bundling the planned
Microsoft Network with Windows 95. Information subpoenas from the Justice
Department were received this week by several rivals in the industry, with an
unusually short four-day June 9 response requirement. --Dow Jones
The Marketplace
A new Hewlett-Packard Vectra VE PC, with a DX2/50 486 processor, PCI
capability, a 420MB hard drive, and 4MB of RAM costs just $791 to resellers,
undercutting the company's previous bottom price of $869 for a similar model.
H-P says it still sees high demand for 486 systems. --Newsbytes
The Industry
IBM's bid for Lotus is based largely on the company's Notes groupware
software, but some analysts say that the World Wide Web can duplicate many of
the document identification and sharing features which make Notes so powerful,
plus the WWW is global, free, and open for developers. --Knight-Ridder
Minitel, which has been providing videotex services for France since 1980,
will now add access through the Internet. Users need a Minitel account for
per-minute charges, and standard terminal software, which France Telecom will
provide for the Mac, PC, and Unix platforms at no cost. --Newsbytes
HotNews Financials
Rumors that SyQuest may be readying a competitor to the popular new Iomega
100MB removable media Zip drive pushed SyQuest stock up 30 percent to close at
15 3/4 on Thursday. The unannounced SyQuest EZ135, featuring 135MB removable
media and costing less than a Zip drive, could ship this month. --Dow Jones
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opinions, news tips, etc. to M. David
Green, HotNews editor, Each HotNews is
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