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The Windows95 TCP/IP Setup FAQ

The Windows95 TCP/IP Setup HOW-TO/FAQ

         Author: Michael Rose (pcd@aa.net)
Amended by: John Rafuse (jrafuse@idirect.com)
       Version: v1.1, 01 May, 1995

This document describes the installation and setup of the TCP/IP stack in Window95. It is intended for those people interested in connecting Windows95 machines to TCP/IP networks such as the INTERNET.

  • Introduction
  • New versions
  • Feedback
  • Disclaimer
  • Copyright
  • Hardware
  • Software
  • Install Clients
  • Setup Clients
  • Connection Type
  • Slip Install Amendment
  • Start Dialup Connection
  • Verify Connection
  • 1. Introduction

    This document is intended to help answer the many questions people have about setting up TCP/IP in Windows95. This document will also answer some of the "Frequently Asked Questions" about the TCP/IP stack in Windows95. I will also include setup procedures for a TIA (The Internet Adapter) connection for those of us who don't have access to a true SLIP/PPP connection.

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    1.1 New versions of this document

    New versions of this document will be posted on the comp.os.ms-windows.misc, and comp.os.mswindows.advocacy newsgroups. It is also available on the IRC via /Dcc in the #Windows95 channel (/join #Windows95) through the Ops and/or bots there. If you need as sistance getting this FAQ off the bots on #Windows95, ask one of the operators and they will (hopefully) assist you in retrieving the document.

    This document is always available on the following World Wide Web pages:


    There are also other http pages that might help in setting up TCP/IP in Windows95:

    http://www.mcs.com/~barry/html/wn95slip.html (Barry A Barr's slip setup webpage)
    This page is maintained by Barry A. Barr (Barry@mcs.com)

    http://www.idirect.com/jrafuse/win95hlp.html (The InterNet Direct Windows95 HelpDesk)
    This page is maintained by John M. Rafuse (jrafuse@idirect.com)

    It is also available for FTP at: ftp://ftp.idirect.com/users/jrafuse/slp95faq.faq

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    1.2 Feedback

    If you have questions or comments (positive or negative), please feel free to Email me, Mike Rose, at vector@wolfe.net. I will welcome all suggestions, criticisms, and money. If you find a mistake or a better or easier way to word a phrase, please let me know so I can correct and make it easier for more people to setup TCP/IP. I'll include all changes in the next version. Thanks.

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    1.3 Disclaimer

    I disavow any potential liability for the contents in this document. Use of the examples and concepts and/or other content of this document is used by you at your own risk.

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    1.4 Copyright

    The Windows95 TCP/IP Setup HOW-TO/FAQ is copyrighted (c)1995 Michael Rose. This document may be reproduced or distributed in anyway possible. Translations are permitted and encouraged as long as the translator includes the persons involved in the translat ion. If quoted, all I ask is that my name and the others who helped write this document be included with the quote.

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    2.0 Hardware Requirements

    There are not any hardware specific requirements for TCP/IP in Win95. Just so there is not any confusion, I will explain what devices are necessary.

    For LAN network: For Dialup Networking: Return to Main Menu

    2.1 Software Requirements

    Basically, the only software needed for setup is a winsock client to test your connection. Once your system is setup, you can get other winsock clients (mIRC, Netscape, etc.). Windows95 comes with FTP (Textbased), Telnet, and ping (textbased). At this tim e these clients are run in a DOS box and icons can be created for these clients later (if they haven't been already).

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    3.0 Installation of the clients needed for TCP/IP
    *** BTW, when referring to NT users, I mean users logging into NT Servers ***

    To run the TCP/IP connection you must first install the following:

    To install these clients, click on MyComputer, Control Panel and then Networks. This window is where your clients will be installed and where you will edit their properties. Now, click ADD. You will now be in a window that will display "Client, Adapter, P rotocol and Service".

    To install the Client for Microsoft Networks:
    1. Doubleclick on "client"
    2. Scroll down and click on "Microsoft"
    3. Doubleclick on "Client for Microsoft Networks"
    Now the client is installed.

    When you install the client, Windows95 will attempt to setup everything for you. We will remove these extra protocols, clients and/or adapters (if they are not required) after we install the TCP/IP protocol and Dial-up Adapter.

    To install the Microsoft TCP/IP Protocol:
    1. Doubleclick on "Protocol"
    2. Scroll down and click on "Microsoft"
    3. Doubleclick on "TCP/IP"
    Now the protocol is installed.

    To install the Adapter (this step may not be necessary):
    1. Doubleclick on "Adapter"
    2. Scroll down and click on "Microsoft"
    3. Doubleclick on "Dial-up Adapter"
    Now the adapter is installed.

    OK, now we should delete the other protocols that Windows95 installed when you added the Microsoft client (assuming that they are not required for other purposes). Windows95 is usually successful at determining what is needed for your connection, but to b e safe remove any protocols or Adapters it may have added (except for the Microsoft Client, Dial-up Adapter and TCP/IP) that you don't require.

    For example:
    On my machine it installed the "Client for Microsoft Networks", "Dial-up Adapter",
    "IPX/SPX-compatible Protocol", "TCP/IP for Dialup Adapter" and "NetBEUI".
    I will remove the "IPX/SPX-compatible" and "NetBEUI" protocols.

    To remove protocols highlight each item and click on "REMOVE".

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    3.1 Setup of the TCP/IP clients

    Now comes the time when we must configure these clients:

    1. Click on "Client for MicroSoft Networks"
    2. Click on "Dial-up Adapter"
    3. Click on "TCP/IP"
    4. Select the "Primary Network Login" box located just below the "add" "remove" and "properties" buttons.
    5. Finally, click on the "OK" button.

         You will get a message that you need to reboot. Go ahead and do so.

      After you reboot:

    6. Double-click on My Computer
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    3.1a Connection Type

    Now we have to tell the connection we just created how to connect to the Service Provider:
    1. Click the right mouse button on the Dialup Connection Icon you just created
    2. Click "OK"
    Your all done! You may have to reboot your computer to make the changes go into effect.

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    3.2 Slip Support Amendment For Later Windows95 Builds
    (Barry A Barr, Michael Rose, and John Rafuse)

    In later builds of Windows95, including the "Preview Beta", the support for SLIP/CSLIP connections is no longer installed during Setup. If you do not have the installation on CD, please refer to the note at the end of this section first. Then carry on wit h the instructions, substituting the drive/directory where you put the "RNAPLUS.INF" file, for the CD-Rom directories.
    1. Doubleclick on "MyComputer"
    2. Close the Control panel
    3. Go to "Dialup Networking"
    Note:  If you do NOT have the installation CD, you will need to extract the file from the "Precopy2.cab" file, and copy it to a separate directory. I suggest copying it to a "Slip" directory under your installation directory on the HDrive . Do NOT put it in your Windows/Inf directory, as you will NOT be able to access it from there.
    Open a Dos box, and run the following command:
    Extract Drive:\Install-Dir\precopy2.cab rnaplus.inf /L: Drive:\Output-Dir [ENTER]
    Where Drive:\Install-Dir = Directory where the *.cab files are located, and Drive:\Output-Dir = Directory where you want the file to go. Once this has been completed, you can carry on with the instructions above.

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    4.0 Starting SLIP/PPP

    Double click MyComputer and Dial-up Networking. Double click on your SLIP/PPP connection icon you created. A window will come up asking for your username and password. SLIP/PPP users can leave this blank. NT users should put their username and password. C lick on Dial. After the modem dials the number a Terminal window will come up. Login manually to your provider and start your SLIP/PPP software (your service provider can help you with this if you are unsure how to do so). Press F7 or Click on continue. I t'll say verifying your username and password even if you left yours blank. Then it'll be connected.

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    4.1 Verifying your connection

    To check to see if your connection is established, start the MS-DOS prompt. At the prompt type "ping [your host/provider name]" You should get a bunch of numbers telling you how long it took to contact your host. If you get errors try "ping [yourproviders IP address]" if that works then you have an incorrect setting in your DNS section in TCP/IP. TIA users can't use ping so I recommend Telneting to your host. Do this by starting the MS-DOS prompt and at the prompt, type "telnet [yourhost/provider name]" Y ou should see your login. If not, try telneting to them with the IP address instead of the name (telnet [your host/providers IP]).
    OK, Have fun! Come and chat with me on the irc in #windows95 (/join#Windows95) when you get everything working.
    My nick is Xima.

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