(Einblicke ins Internet, 10/1995)
About the City of Aachen
Germany, City.Net
Aachen ... Aquis Grana ... Aix-la-Chapelle ... Aken
In every respect, Aachen is a town which distinguishes itself
by a wide variety: historical interrelationship,
historical sights, cultural attractions, big events
such as the international dressage, jumping and riding
tournament CHIO and the presentation of the international
Karlspreis (Charlemagne Award) in Aachen, as well as
museums of many kinds and, last but not least, the
town's many economic and scientific functions.
The most important historical epoch of Aachen started with
the takeover of the government by Charlemagne
in 768 AD.
The imperial palace by the hot water sources soon became
Charlemagne's permanent residence and so developed into
a spiritual and cultural reservoir.
As the economic development of Aachen proceeded, the town
became more and more prosperous, and this has persisted to the
present day. Charlemagne was buried in the Cathedral of
Aachen in 824.
Two hundred years later he was canonized, which resulted in a
flow of pilgrims wishing to visit and see Charlemagne's tomb
and the relics he gathered during his life.
The relics are exhibited to the public every seven years
(the next time in the year 2000). In the meantime they
are stored in the Charlemagne Shrine, wrapped in silk cloths.
The town's ties with Charlemagne are reflected in numerous
architectural heirlooms and memorials in the townscape.
To be mentioned here in particular are the Cathedral and
the City Hall, the oldest part of which, the
Granus Tower, is said to date from the days of Charlemagne.
Today, after opening up of the European Single Market in 1992,
Aachen finds itself at the geographical core of a united
Of special appeal are Aachen's Museums and treasuries.
A special jewel in this respect is the treasury of the
Cathedral of Aachen, which is considered to be the principal
ecclesiastical treasury north of the Alps.
Persons who are interested in paintings and sculptures
from the late Middle Age or in 17th century painters, should
visit the Suermond-Ludwig Museum.
The Ludwig Forum of International Art is an
exhibition of various forms of contemporary art. Plastic arts
are presented here alongside with music, dance, theatre,
film etc.
Museums that cater special interests are the
Newspaper Museum,
the Urban History Museum of Burg Frankenberg,
the Customs History Collection, and
the Computer Museum.
Aachen's cultural programme covers s wide range and
is increasingly appreciated by young and old, among the
local population as well as abroad.
The scale of performers ranges from regional cabaret
entertainers to international stars. A real "cultural marathon"
is the Annual Cultural Summer, from June to September.
This happening culminates in a series of open-air concerts
of various musical schools, presented on
Katschhof Square, one of Europe's finest plazas.
Selected pictures
Verkehrsverein Bad Aachen
- Tourist Information -
Monheimsallee 52
D-52022 Aachen - Germany
Tel: +49-241-1802960
Fax: +49-241-1802930
Text and fotos courtesy of Verkehrsverein Bad Aachen. Many thanks to
Rita Klösges, Guido Bunsen and René Soiron for their help.
The purpose of this page is purely experimental!
Manfred Jeusfeld (editor)
Last modification: 2-Mar-1995 by MJf