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The Virtual Tourist

This is the Virtual Tourist, a geographic directory of WWW servers in the world. It operates in close association with CERN's Master Web Server Directory. "Tour the Virtual World" and send us your comments.

Note: this service does not contain information about countries, states, and regions (i.e. tourist info); this information is contained in The Virtual Tourist II, which operates in conjunction with City.Net.

Select a region from the map below:

Information about the maps used in this service, and how you can use them in your own, is available. For information about how to create interactive graphics like the maps you see here, see NCSA's Graphical Information Map Tutorial (specific instructions for the CERN HTTPD and other servers are also available).

We appreciate your comments and additions.

Note: the maps and lists for individual countries are maintained by a large number of individuals. Comments about the continental maps, and additions of new countries should be registered with me, but comments about a map or list of a particular country, or additions of individual WWW servers, should be sent to the respective maintainer, not to me.

VT is hosted by UB Wings, the University at Buffalo's CWIS, as a free service of Kinesava Geographics. The latter is solely responsible for the content of this page.

UB Wings [VT Home Page] [VT2 Home Page] Kinesava [Comments]

Brandon Plewe - plewe@acsu.buffalo.edu
5 Jun 1995