This is a ROKCAM infrared camera image taken 19 July UT (18 July CDT)
at 00:09 UT (7:09pm CDT) with the 2.7m telescope of The University of
Texas McDonald Observatory. A filter was used to isolate absorption by
methane gas at 2.3 microns. This allowed observations to be made in
daytime. This filter makes high cloud features appear bright.
North is at the top and west is to the right.
The north and south polar hoods are clear visible because these regions
have a large number of haze particles in the upper atmosphere of Jupiter.
The four bright spots to the north of the south polar hood are the impact
locations of comet fragments. The spot rotating out of view on the west
limb is from piece H. The next one to the east is the brightest spot,
which is due to comet fragments E and F, which hit in nearly the same
place on the disk of Jupiter. The other two spots are due to fragments A
and C. The very bright object to the west of Jupiter is the satellite
Ganymede. This image was taken by Dr. Beth Clark and Dr. William Cochran
(University of Texas) and Dr. Yongha Kim (University of Maryland).
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