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ESO Image of Comet Shoemaker-Levy

European Southern Observatory Image of Jupiter


This image of giant planet Jupiter was obtained during the night of July 11-12, 1994, with the Bochum 60 cm telescope at the ESO La Silla observatory. It was made with the DLR CCD camera through a narrow band filter, centered at wavelength 750 nm. The observers were Uri Carsenty and Stefano Mottola (DLR, Berlin, Germany). This is a ``raw'' image that has been contrast-improved by unsharp masking. The seeing was 0.7 - 0.8 arcsec.

This is ESO PR Photo SL9J/94-07 which accompanies the ESO SL-9/Jupiter Information Package. It may be reproduced, if credit is given to the European Southern Observatory.

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