NOTE: Click on the images to view them at their highest resolution.
All the images were observed using 1.8 m Bohyunsan telescope(F/12) with 8930/50A CH4 filters and 1024 X 1024 pixels CCD. Observed time (UT) and exposure time of each images are as follows.
17 July 10:56 - 5 second exposure
18 July 11:32 - 10 second exposure
19 July 12:09 - 20 second exposure
20 July 13:13 - 20 second exposure
Observers :
B.G. Kim, M.Y. Chun, B.G. Park, H.G. Kim, B.Y. Auh, I.S. Yuk, H.K. Moon,
S.J. Park
Images, Images, Images