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AAT Images of Fragment V & W Impacts

AAT Images of Fragment V & W Impacts

AAT images 22 July

AAT IRIS images from 22 July. The frame consists of 4 images taken at 3:34pm AEST (upper left), 5:52pm (upper right), 6:19 pm (lower left) and 7:46pm (lower right). The first frame was taken shortly after the supposed impact of fragment V, which had disappeared some time ago from optical images of the comet. Nothing was detected, so presumably this fragment had dissapated. The image however, shows "a right old mess from various multiple impact sites" (quote from Vikki). The second frame (upper right) was taken just before the impact of fragment W (the last in the chain). In this image, impact sites K (extreme left), C, A (the first impact site), E+F and H are visible. In the third frame, fragment W has arrived superposing itself on the impact site of fragment K!. In the final frame, the brightest region is the new W+K site, with C and A also visible. Just to the right of the Jupiter's disk, and almost at the latitude of the imapct sites, the Jovian moon Ganymede appears prior to disappearing behind the planet. The monitoring of this now battle-scarred planet will continue in the next few months as scheduling permits.

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