NOTE: Click on the image to view it at its highest resolution.
Impact plume of frament R, made by subtracting an image taken at 05:35:40 from the image taken at 05:37:12 UT. Image taken with on the University of Hawaii 2.2-meter telescope, with a new 1024x1024 HgCdTe near-infrared array developed by Rockwell International Science Center are available here.
This image was taken on the night of July 20, 1994, Hawaiian Standard Time, (July 21 UT) by K. Hodapp, J. Hora, K. Jim, and D. Jewitt. These images were taken using tip-tilt guiding, using Io as the guide "star".
All images are taken through a 2.3 micron filter. The quick image processing to produce these images was performed by L. Cowie and R. Wainscoat.