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Tycoon in Open Distributed Environments

Bernd Mathiske (3/93-9/95)


Exploitation of portable, typed persistent higher-order languages in the context of open distributed systems.

Work Items

1/92-12/92, Bernd Mathiske, [Math92]
Dynamic target code generation via C
1/94-8/94, Bernd Mathiske, [Info] [MaSc94b]
A portable and scalable runtime frame program implemented in C
8/94-12/94, Bernd Mathiske
Enhancement of the TSP stream-oriented I/O-facility: user-defined I/O-handler functions, dynamic linking
3/94-5/94, Andreas Piellusch [Info]
Tycoon port to RS-6000 and Linux
4/94-4/95, Nico Johannison ##INFO
Type-safe, type-complete polymorphic remote procedure call
5/94-5/95, Kai Shen, [Info]
Tycoon port to MS/Windows, integration with OLE 2.0
8/94-2/95, Bernd Mathiske, [MMS95]
Distributed programming idioms in Tycoon; higher-order RPC, remote execution engines, migrating threads
8/94-5/95, Nastaran Vaziri ## INFO
Dynamic rebinding, dynamic linking and automatic replication
8/94-3/95, Markus Breilmann
Tycoon port to Apple Macintosh and Apple Power Macintosh
8/94-8/95, Andreas Piellusch, [Info]
Synchronization of long-lived activities
3/95-x/xx, Markus Breilmann
Socket and RPC implementation on Apple Macintosh
12/94-08/95, Marcel Kornacker, [Info]
Persistent savepoints in interoperable environments
x/95-x/95, Martin Göllnitz, [Info] ## STATUS?
Client/Server programming in Tycoon
2/95-4/95 Sören Stamer, Florian Matthes [Info]
Development of a graphical workflow notation based on the StP/OMT tool infrastructure


##Migrating persistent threads demo
Florian Matthes, (21-mar-95). Your feedback is welcome.