hide random home http://humper.student.princeton.edu/floyd/faq/echoes.html (Einblicke ins Internet, 10/1995)

ECHOES Title Page
     /_|___|___|___|___|___|__\      Frequently Asked Question (FAQ)
    /|___|___|___|___|___|___|_\                 List
 /_|___|___|___|___|___|___|___|__\    Version 3.5  (January 1995)

Originally compiled by David Schuetz. Currently maintained by Matt Denault (mdenault@pomona.edu) or (echoes-faq@fawnya.tcs.com).
With help from all over the world!

Converted to HTML by Robert Zubek (clegg@rci.ripco.com)

The FAQ is broken down into four sections, as follows:

Section 1 - General Information

The first section is general information, and includes stuff like lists of tour personnel, set lists, etc.

Section 2 - The Early Years

The second section covers their "early years," that is, Piper through Obscured by Clouds

Section 3 - The Glory Years

The third section is the "glory years" (and any discussion regarding this time frame not being the time of their greatest glory will be ignored). This section covers DSOTM through the Wall.

Section 4 - After the Wall

The fourth section covers TFC through TDB and beyond, the various solo albums, and general trivia that doesn't fit anywhere else.

In addition to these four parts, there is the "Pink Floyd Internet Reference List," which details how to access various other Internet sources of Floyd information, such as FTP sites, WWW servers, IRC channels, Usenet newsgroups, and the Echoes mailing list.