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Date:         Fri, 22 Oct 1993 08:11:09 EDT
Reply-To: Let's Go Gopherin' <GOPHERN@UBVM.cc.buffalo.edu>
Sender: Let's Go Gopherin' <GOPHERN@UBVM.cc.buffalo.edu>
From: Jim Gerland - Network User Support <GERLAND@UBVM.cc.buffalo.edu>
Organization: State University of New York at Buffalo
Subject:      #5 All the Gophers in the World
To: Multiple recipients of list GOPHERN <GOPHERN@UBVM.cc.buffalo.edu>
Status: RO


Richard J. Smith and Jim Gerland


Let's get past the first door and enter into Gopherspace.

(Unless you start at the University of Illinois at Urbana- Champaign, your
travels will differ from my examples in this entanglement of Gophers
pointing at each other.  Yet most Gopher servers will get you to where I'm
going--All the Gopher Servers in the World.)

At my system prompt I type the word "gopher" and retrieve the
following menu:

                    Internet Gopher Information Client v1.11

                      Root gopher server: gopher.uiuc.edu

  -->1.Welcome to the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Gopher
2.Campus Announcements (last updated 8/18/93)/
3.What's New?(last update: 8/17/93)/
4.Information about Gopher/
5.Keyword Search of Gopher Menus <?>
6.Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Campus Information/
7.Champaign-Urbana & Regional Information/
8.Computer Documentation, Software, and Information/
9.Libraries and Reference Information/
10. Newspapers, Newsletters, and Weather/
11. Other Gopher and Information Servers/
12. Phone Books (ph)/
13. Internet File Server (ftp) Sites/

Press ? for Help, q to Quit, u to go up a menu          Page: 1/1


Number eleven of the fifteen items titled "Other Gopher and
Information Servers/" is the item I want, so I select 11 and
retrieve the following menu:

                    Internet Gopher Information Client v1.11

                      Other Gopher and Information Servers

 -->  1.  About Other Gopher and Information Servers.
2.  The UofI Weather Machine/
3.  Administrative Information Systems and Services (AISS)/
4.  Agriculture, College of/
5.  Computer Science Department/
6.  Education, College of/
7.  Electrical and Computer Engineering/
8.  Engineering Placement Office/
9.  Environmental Health and Safety, Division of/
10. National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA)/
11. Psychology Department/
12. Vocational & Technical Education/
13. University of Illinois at Chicago/
14. Online birding at the AVES archive (vitruvius.cecer.army.mil)/
15. Search titles in Gopherspace using Veronica/
16. Recommended Gopher Servers for Exploration/
17. All the Gopher Servers in the World/
18. USA/

Press ? for Help, q to Quit, u to go up a menu          Page: 1/2


This menu contains 18 items.  All are directories except the first item
which is a text file.  The text file explains that the first few items of
this menu contains information from the University of Illinois, while the
rest of the items are from outside the university.

I'm interested in number 17 titled "All the Gopher Servers in the
World." I select that number and retrieve this menu:


                    Internet Gopher Information Client v1.11

                      All the Gopher Servers in the World

 -->  1.  Search Gopherspace using Veronica/
2.  ACADEME THIS WEEK (Chronicle of Higher Education)/
4.  ACTLab (UT Austin, RTF Dept)/
5.  AREA Science Park, Trieste, (IT)/
6.  Academic Position Network/
7.  Academy of Sciences, Bratislava (Slovakia)/
8.  Alamo Community College District/
9.  Albert Einstein College of Medicine/
10. American Mathematical Society /
11. American Physiological Society/
12. Anesthesiology Gopher /
13. Appalachian State University (experimental gopher)/
14. Apple Computer Higher Education gopher server/
15. Arabidopsis Research Companion, Mass Gen Hospital/Harvard/
16. Arizona State University Gopher/
17. Armadillo, the Texas Studies Gopher/
18. AskERIC - (Educational Resources Information Center)/

Press ? for Help, q to Quit, u to go up a menu           Page: 1/44


Except for number one, this looks like an alphabetical list of other
Gopher servers directories.  At the bottom of the screen, we are told that
this is the fist page of forty-four pages.  If we page down, (Using the
Page Down key or space bar depending on your terminal emulation.  Use the
? at most screens for the Quick help menu.) a few screens we get the
following information:

                    Internet Gopher Information Client v1.11

                      All the Gopher Servers in the World

 -->  19. Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)/
20. Aston University, (UK)/
21. Auburn University test gopher/
22. Augusta College/
23. Austin Hospital, Melbourne, Australia/
24. Australian Defence Force Academy (Canberra, Australia)/
25. Australian Environmental Resources Information Network
26. Australian National Botanic Gardens/
27. Australian National University/
28. BIOSCI/bionet biology newsgroups server/
29. Ball State University (root) gopher server/
30. Bar-Ilan University Information System, Israel/
31. Base de Dados Tropical  Campinas, Brasil/
32. Bates College/
33. Baylor College of Medicine/
34. Bedford Institute Of Oceanography (Canada)/
35. Ben Gurion University Gopher (Israel)/
36. Bilkent University, Ankara, (TR)/

Press ? for Help, q to Quit, u to go up a menu           Page: 2/44

                    Internet Gopher Information Client v1.11

                      All the Gopher Servers in the World

 -->  37. Binghamton University Gopher Server/
38. BioInformatics gopher at ANU/
39. Biodiversity and Biological Collections Gopher/
40. Biodiversity and Biological Collections Gopher (at Harvard)/
41. Bioinformatics (Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel)/
42. Bioinformatics Resource Gopher/
43. Bloomfield Hills School District Model High School/
44. Board of Governors Universities, IL USA/
45. Boston University/
46. Bowling Green State University/
47. Bradley University/
48. Brigham Young University/
49. Brock University, St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada/
50. Brookhaven National Laboratory Protein Data Bank/
51. Brown University/
52. Brussels University STC/
53. Bucknell University - Lewisburg PA/
54. Butler University Gopher/

Press ? for Help, q to Quit, u to go up a menu
  Page: 3/44


The variety of Gopher servers available in Gopherspace are
exemplified in these three pages.  First, Gopherspace is
international in scope. Brussels, Israel, Canada, and Brazil are
just a few represented in these first few pages.

Generic universities' Gophers predominate, yet specialty
Gophers are represented, such as bioinformatics, American
Mathematical Society, Board of Governors Universities.

Bloomfield Hills School District Model High School's Gopher gives
an indication of how the Internet is expanding beyond the
university confines.

If you go back to the first screen of All the Gopher Servers in the
World and arrow key up you get this screen:


                    Internet Gopher Information Client v1.11

                      All the Gopher Servers in the World

      775. Worcester Foundation for Experimental Biology/
      776. World Health Organisation (WHO)/
      777. World Health Organization (WHO)/
      778. Yale University/
      779. York University/
      780. agora public gopher/
      781. bioftp EMBnet, (CH)/
 -->  782. rec.aviation gopher/

Press ? for Help, q to Quit, u to go up a menu
 Page: 44/44


This is the end of the alphabetical listing of All the Gopher Servers in
the World. (The last three servers are out of place since this sorted
index puts lower case behind the upper case list.) At this time there are
782 Gopher servers available from the All the Gopher Servers in the World
menu.  More are being added every day.

It would be worth your while if you are a serious user of the network,
scholar, researcher, entrepreneur, or whatever to page through the
forty-four pages of Gopher listings to get a feel for what is available.
I'm sure you will run across some surprises that you will want to select
and explore further.

These are, however, Gopher directory items.  That means any you select
will retrieve a menu that may contain other Gopher directory items.  So
now we have a problem.  Seven hundred and two Gopher items that may
contain additional directories that may contain additional directories
that may ....

What is the solution?  Enter Veronica.  We'll talk about that

Richard J. Smith
The Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh

Jim Gerland
State University of New York at Buffalo
Academic Services, Computing and Information Technology
