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Date:         Thu, 21 Oct 1993 08:22:11 EDT
Reply-To: Let's Go Gopherin' <GOPHERN@UBVM.cc.buffalo.edu>
Sender: Let's Go Gopherin' <GOPHERN@UBVM.cc.buffalo.edu>
From: Jim Gerland - Network User Support <GERLAND@UBVM.cc.buffalo.edu>
Organization: State University of New York at Buffalo
Subject:      #3 A Gopher Client - Help File
To: Multiple recipients of list GOPHERN <GOPHERN@UBVM.cc.buffalo.edu>


Richard J. Smith and Jim Gerland


At my System prompt I type the word "gopher and retrieve the
following menu:

                    Internet Gopher Information Client v1.11

                      Root gopher server: gopher.uiuc.edu

  -->1.Welcome to the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Gopher.
2.Campus Announcements (last updated 8/18/93)/
3.What's New?(last update: 8/17/93)/
4.Information about Gopher/
5.Keyword Search of Gopher Menus <?>
6.Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Campus Information/
7.Champaign-Urbana & Regional Information/
8.Computer Documentation, Software, and Information/
9.Libraries and Reference Information/
10. Newspapers, Newsletters, and Weather/
11. Other Gopher and Information Servers/
12. Phone Books (ph)/
13. Internet File Server (ftp) Sites/

Press ? for Help, q to Quit, u to go up a menu          Page: 1/1

The bottom of the Gopher menu has options from which you can choose.  Help
can be selected by entering a "?" from most points in Gopher. Here is the
help screen:

                       Quick Gopher Help

Moving around Gopherspace
Press return to view a document

Use the Arrow Keys or vi/emacs equivalent to move around

Up ..................:  Move to previous line.
Down ................:  Move to next line.
Right Return ........:  "Enter"/Display current item.
Left, u  ............:  "Exit" current item/Go up a level.

>, +, Pgdwn, space ..:  View next page.
<, -, Pgup, b .......:  View previous page.

0-9 .................:  Go to a specific line.
m   .................:  Go back to the main menu.

a : Add current item to the bookmark list.
A : Add current directory/search to bookmark list.
v : View bookmark list.
d : Delete a bookmark/directory entry.

Other commands
s : Save current item to a file.
D : Download a file.
q : Quit with prompt.
Q : Quit unconditionally.
= : Display Technical information about current item.
O : change options
/ : Search for an item in the menu.
n : Find next search item.

The Gopher development team hopes that you find this software
useful. If you find what you think is a bug, please report it to
us by sending e-mail to "gopher@boombox.micro.umn.edu".


This quick Gopher on-line help comes in handy when you forget how to move
around "Gopherspace".  You will note that there are several options
offered to perform the same function.  For example, to go down a page you
can use the space bar, a greater than sign, the page down key or the plus
sign.  This again might depend on your system and terminal emulation you
use--not all may work.  You'll have to experiment.  There are a few other
things to note in help.  Information on how to create a bookmark is useful
and we'll be creating bookmarks later in this course.  The equal sign
gives technical information on Gopher items and that can come in
handy.  Also, information on how to quit and how to search for an item is

This help screen goes beyond a computer one screen of information. When
that happens you can either use the letter q to quit or hit the spacebar
to get the next screen of information.  When you get to the end of the
document you must type q to quit.

Gopher gives you several options when you get to the end of a document or item.
You are given the following options:

Press <RETURN> to continue, <m> to mail, <s> to save, or <p> to print:

In this case I want to mail myself the Gopher Quick Help documentation.  If I
enter the letter "m" I'm asked for an Internet address.


 | Mail current document to:  rjs@lis.pitt.edu
 |                              [Cancel ^G] [Accept -Enter]

Mailing File...Internet Gopher
Information Client v1.11Root gopher server: gopher.uiuc.edu


Gopher mails the help file to my Internet account at the University of
Pittsburgh.  I could send this file to any Internet e-mail account,
something I will do on occasion when I'm asked for information and know I
can find it in gopherspace.  The mail facility is a handy way to send
information that is out there on the Internet to other people with
Internet e-mail addresses.

Richard J. Smith
The Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh

Jim Gerland
State University of New York at Buffalo
Academic Services, Computing and Information Technology