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Date:         Wed, 17 Nov 1993 07:49:14 -0500
Reply-To: Let's Go Gopherin' <GOPHERN@UBVM.cc.buffalo.edu>
From: Jim Gerland - Network Consultant <GERLAND@ubvms.cc.buffalo.edu>
Subject:      #23 How To Cook Your Unix Gopher Server
To: Multiple recipients of list GOPHERN <GOPHERN@UBVM.cc.buffalo.edu>


Richard J. Smith and Jim Gerland

#23 How To Cook Your Unix Gopher Server

This is the text of a presentation I made at the First SUNY Gopher
Conference.  The actual PowerPoint V3.0 presentation is available via
gopher or anonymous ftp on ubvmsb.cc.buffalo.edu.

Cooking Your Unix Gopher Server
The Recipe

l         Ingredients:
l         A machine running Unix
l         The Gopher server software
l         A tablespoon of Unix knowledge

Cooking Your Unix Gopher Server
The Minnesota Server Software

l         The Unix Gopher Server
l         boombox.micro.umn.edu
l         /pub/gopher/Unix/gopherx.xx.tar.Z

Cooking Your Unix Gopher Server
The Unix Gopher Server

l         Unpack the file using the command:
          uncompress gopherx.xx.tar.Z
          tar -xf gopherx.xx.tar
l         Edit conf.h for your default server
l         Build the gopherd program
l         Create the appropriate .links files
l         Start the detached process

Cooking Your Unix Gopher Server
Unix Server files

l         .links files
l         .cap/files
l         information files
l         WAIS indexes and searches

Cooking Your Unix Gopher Server
Unix Server .links files

Name=this line is displayed on the menu

Cooking Your Unix Gopher Server
Unix .cap/files

Name=this line is displayed in the menu

Cooking Your Unix Gopher Server
WAIS Indexes & Searches
l         Create the .src and index files
          waisindex -r /dir/subdir/in-file
l         Create a hostdata file
          port (usually 150)
l         Run the gindexd daemon
          gindexd -i index-dir/database port

Cooking Your Unix Gopher Server
WAIS Indexes & Searches

l         Add the appropriate .links

Name=Search the file

Cooking Your Unix Gopher Server
The Unix Gopher Server
                Internet Gopher Information Client 2.0 pl9

                Root gopher server: wings.buffalo.edu

 -->    1.    About Wings/
        2.      Academic Information (Advisement, Courses, Etc.)/
        3.      Calandar and WBFO Schedules/
        4.      Computing Resources/
        5.      Cultural Events and the Arts/
        6.      Directories/
        7.      Employment and Career Placement/
        8.      Faculty and Staff  Information/
        9.      General Information/
        10.     Libraries/
        11.     News and Classifieds/
        12.     Western New York Information/
        13.     Access the Internet (World-wide Information)/
        14.     Search the UB Wings menus <?>

Press ? for Help, q to Quit, u to go up a menu          Page: 1/1

Richard J. Smith
The Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh

Jim Gerland
State University of New York at Buffalo
Academic Services, Computing and Information Technology