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Date:         Fri, 5 Nov 1993 07:36:32 EST
Reply-To: Let's Go Gopherin' <GOPHERN@UBVM.cc.buffalo.edu>
Sender: Let's Go Gopherin' <GOPHERN@UBVM.cc.buffalo.edu>
From: Richard Smith <smithr@clp2.clpgh.org>
Subject:      #15 More Veronica Searching
X-To:         gophern@ubvm.cc.buffalo.edu
To: Multiple recipients of list GOPHERN <GOPHERN@UBVM.cc.buffalo.edu>
Status: RO


Richard J. Smith and Jim Gerland


We've looked at several Gophers that are trying to improve
information access on the Internet by grouping information by
subjects.  Yet Veronica is able to go through all of Gopherspace
and find specific or general information tailored to your needs.

Here is an example of using Veronica to look for general
information containing the word "business."


                    Internet Gopher Information Client v1.11

                    Search gopherspace at NYSERNet: business

 -->  1.  Alt.business.multi-level FAQ
      2.  biz. ---------- business newsgroup listings
      3.  Teleconferencing for small business.
      4.  Teleconferencing for small business.
      5.       Business plan for CWIS.
      6.  4.9.1 is open for business.
      7.  Internet Business Report.
      8.  U.S. Sprint Enters TCP/IP Internet Business.
      9.  all this phonebook business....
      10. : To appear in the Commerce Business Daily.
      11. examples of business uses of the Internet?.
      12. Re: examples of business uses of the Internet? .
      13.      Permission to Post About Business Journal?.
      14. Permission to Post About Business Journal?.
      15. Re: examples of business uses of the Internet?.
      16. Re: examples of business uses of the Internet? .
      17.      REPLY: Internet/NREN Business Journal FYI/RFC.
      18. Re: examples of business uses of the Internet? .

Press ? for Help, q to Quit, u to go up a menu       Page: 1/12


We've retrieved twelve pages of information.  (This is the 200 item
default limit.  Using the "-m" feature can increase the number of
items retrieved.) This first menu contains all text files.  I
suspect that this is only a partial list of Gopherspace information
that contains the word "business."  You would probably want to
browse through the menus and read relevant documents to find other
keywords to narrow your search.  For example, from this one page,
if I were interested in business uses of the Internet,  I might try
to use the terms "business and Internet" to narrow my search to
only those items that have both words in them.

You may also want to expand your search to include other pertinent
words.  Here I use the words "business or commerce" to add any
documents with the word "commerce" to my earlier search.


                    Internet Gopher Information Client v1.11


      1.  Library administration/
      2.  Library science/
 -->  3.  Search gopherspace at NYSERNet <?>
      4.  Search gopherspace at PSINet <?>

 +--------Search gopherspace at NYSERNet-----------------------+
 | Words to search for  business or commerce
 |                [Cancel ^G] [Accept - Enter]         |

                    Internet Gopher Information Client v1.11

              Search gopherspace at NYSERNet: business or commerce

 -->  1.  Quantitative Business Analysis <Q B A>.
      3.  Business/
      4.  Business and Computing Faculty/
      5.  business  - cheyenne mountain sertoma club.txt.
      6.  The Internet Business Journal LISTSERV List.
      7.  Latin American Business Briefs.
      8.  DECnews..Bruce Ryan Named Vice President of Industries
      9.  070293:Access to Confidential Business Information by
      10. Business/
      11. Manchester Business School (organization)/
      12. Business/
      13. Business Logistics <B LOG>.
      14. Business/
      15. Business/
      16. Small Business Week, 1993  5/14/93.
      17. 58 FR 33763:Returns Relating to Cash in Excess of $10,000
      18. Business/

Press ? for Help, q to Quit, u to go up a menu      Page: 1/12


This search returns twelve pages of information.  Note the
differences from our first search.  In particular, there are more
directories in this first screen than earlier.  An anomaly is that
nothing on this first page has the word "commerce" while the first
search on just the word "business" did get us a document with the
word Commerce in it.  Documents with "commerce" appear in later

Let's try it again.  We'll use the "and" and "or" to both expand
and limit our search and use a wildcard to get both commerce and
commercial and any other word starting with "commerc."


                    Internet Gopher Information Client v1.11

      1.  Library administration/
      2.  Library science/
 -->  3.  Search gopherspace at NYSERNet <?>
      4.  Search gopherspace at PSINet <?>

 +-----Search gopherspace at NYSERNet-----------------------+
 | Words to search for  (business or commerc*) and internet
 |                            [Cancel ^G] [Accept - Enter]

                    Internet Gopher Information Client v1.11

Search gopherspace at NYSERNet: (business or commerc*) and internet

 -->  37. Re: Commercial Internet connections.
      38. Internet Commercialization BOF scheduled for INTEROP..
      39. Internet Commercialization BOF scheduled for INTEROP..
      40. New Commercial Internet Service - RadioMail(tm)..
      41. Re: New Commercial Internet Service - RadioMail(tm)..
      42. Re: New Commercial Internet Service - RadioMail(tm)..
      43. Re: New Commercial Internet Service - RadioMail(tm). .
      44. Re: New Commercial Internet Service - RadioMail(tm)..
      45. Internet commercial growth/article.
      46. Joe, sex, and the commercialization of the Internet.
      47. New commercial Internet service to come on-line in
      48. EINet - "The Business Internet" ?.
      49. EINet - "The Business Internet" ?.
      50. EINet - "The Business Internet" ?.
      51. Re: EINet - "The Business Internet" ?.
      52. Re: EINet - "The Business Internet" ? .
      53. Re: EINet - "The Business Internet" ?.
      54. Re: EINet - "The Business Internet" ?.

Press ? for Help, q to Quit, u to go up a menu    Page: 3/12


Well our search did pick up information on business and the
Internet as well as commercial and commercialization with Internet.

Duplicate items are common in a Veronica search, although Veronica
has a mechanism that removes many duplicate items it is not

I'm learning along with you.  I went to the end of the list, page
twelve, and found a message telling me that there are additional
items if I want to get more information.


                    Internet Gopher Information Client v1.11

Search gopherspace at NYSERNet: (business or commerc*) and internet

 -->  199. Re: Internet Is Going / Has Gone Commercial.
      200. Re: Internet Is Going / Has Gone Commercial.
      201. ** There are 168 more items matching the query
          "(business or comme...

Press ? for Help, q to Quit, u to go up a menu    Page: 12/12


I can now do the search over and add "-m368" to the search to
retrieve all of the pertinent documents.

Well the best way to learn how to search using Veronica is to
practice.  You'll find that keeping the search simple is the
easiest way to search Gopherspace.  The more complicated the search
the longer it takes to get information. You have to be careful when
developing a complicated search in that you have the information in
the correct position to get valid results.

Experiment by Navigating through Gopherspace with Veronica.

Richard J. Smith
The Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh

Jim Gerland
State University of New York at Buffalo
Academic Services, Computing and Information Technology
Manager, Network User Support Services
