hide random home http://eos.kub.nl:2080/sbit/people/GijsDekkers.html (Einblicke ins Internet, 10/1995)



Tilburg University

Voice: ++31/

Email: G.J.M.Dekkers@kub.nl Gijsje@dds.nl


And finally, here it is: my own, very own home page. It provides me with a couple of WWW links and, more important, it provides you with the opportunity to see me in a wedding-outfit.

Let me start by saying something about myself (as I am the most interesting subject of this home page). I have studied general economics at Maastricht University, in the Netherlands , and at Bergamo University in Italy, one of the weirdest and nicest countries of the world. In august 1992, I graduated with a thesis on macroeconometric modeling of investments in the Netherlands. Currently, I am a Ph.D. student at Tilburg University, where I am concentrating on microsimulation. My research problem is discovering the occurrence, direction and size of intergenerational redistribution of income through capital funding pension systems. Does this impress you? No? very good!

Of course, there are times when I am not working (sic). My hobbies are reading books (you know, these old-fashioned stacks of paper with letters printed on them), sporting (running, cycling and squash) and making music (mainly playing the drums; especially tracks of Rage Against the Machine), computers used to be a hobby, and I still like fooling around with them; especially with my DEC station and a pc with OS/2. I can often be found at De Digitale Stad

Well, enough chitchat. Next comes a list with interesting pages on the web: Don't you just love images? and, unavoidable, some economics pages of Varian at Michigan University and the SPRY City Internet recource and the most important news comes from the economics news list , and a WorldPage van de PVDA. Oh yes, the organization who offered me this home page is SBIT, but you better start learning Dutch if you want to read that page, although they are translating the page to English at the moment. That's it, feel free to drop in and offer me coffee!

Last maintenance: januari 30, 1995
Kees Leune / C.J.Leune@KUB.NL