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Marine contingent on Starbase Epsilon

STARDATE: 70402.1645
AUTHOR : Kelue, Imgar

  • Summary and Introduction
  • NPCs in the contingent
  • Descriptions of units
  • Graphical representation of hierarchy
  • Used equipment
  • Summary
    Marine contingent starbase Epsilon

    This document describes that marine contingent located at starbase Epsilon. The document has two parts. The first part mentions the NPCs within the contingent. The second part is a graphical representation of the contingent.

    NPC's in the Marine contingent

         Name       Rank          Race      Gender  Function
         ----       ----          ----      ------  --------
         Ban        2nd Lt        Human     Male    ass. company leader
         DeWitt     2nd Lt        Human     Male    platoon leader ALPHA
         T'qi       Gunnery Sgt   Vulcan    Female  ass. platoon leader ALPHA
         Lork       2nd Lt        Klingon   Male    platoon leader BRAVO
         Johnes     Gunnery Sgt   Human     Male    ass. platoon leader BRAVO
         Lake       2nd Lt        Human     Female  platoon leader CHARLIE
         O'ai       Gunnery Sqt   Tchia     Male    ass. platoon leader CHARLIE

    Description of units

         Company    Company level is the highest level in the hierarchy on
                    starbase Epsilon. The company consists of 116 marines,
                    including the Marine Commanding Officer (MCO). The
                    company is lead by a 1st Lt (Lt jg). The MCO is assisted
                    by 2Lt Ban, an NPC.  The company can be split up in
                    three smaller platoons.
         Platoon    A platoon is an operation unit. It can be deployed at
                    any time. The company stationed at Epsilon has three
                    platoons (ALPHA, BRAVO and CHARLIE). ALPHA platoon is a
                    recon platoon, BRAVO and CHARLIE are troopers. For more
                    information about NPCs, see the diagram below. A platoon
                    consists of four squads.
         SQUAD      A squad is the smallest unit of marines located at
                    Epsilon. A squad consists of nine marines. A squad
                    leader (Sgt), an assistant squad leader (Corp) and seven
                    privates. The marines on squad level have no names on
                    Epsilon. Feel free to make them up yourself.

    A final remark. You can kill as many men as you want, but please, do not kill the NPCs with names. They are the most important elements of the diagram and it took me some time to make the names up. :-)

    Graphical representation

         EPSILON COMPANY (116 marines)
         |            company leader : 1Lt Imgar Kelue
         |            callsign       : Epsilon Leader
         |  assistant company leader : 2Lt Ban
         +---- ALPHA PLATOON (38 marines)
         |     |           platoon leader : 2Lt DeWitt
         |     |           callsign       : Alpha Leader
         |     | assistant platoon leader : Gunnery Sgt T'qi
         |     |           callsign       : Red Leader
         |     | platoon specialization   : Recon
         |     |
         |     +---- Riflemen squad                 team ALPHA-one
         |     |
         |     +---- Riflemen squad                 team ALPHA-two
         |     |
         |     +---- Riflemen squad                 team ALPHA-three
         |     |
         |     +---- Heavy/special weapons squad    team ALPHA-four
         +---- BRAVO PLATOON (38 marines)
         |     |           platoon leader : 2Lt Lork
         |     |           callsign       : Bravo Leader
         |     | assistant platoon leader : Gunnery Sgt. Johnes
         |     |           callsign       : Blue Leader
         |     | platoon specialization   : Troopers
         |     |
         |     +---- Riflemen squad                 team BRAVO-one
         |     |
         |     +---- Riflemen squad                 team BRAVO-two
         |     |
         |     +---- Riflemen squad                 team BRAVO-three
         |     |
         |     +---- Heavy/special weapons squad    team BRAVO-four
         +---- CHARLIE PLATOON (38 marines)
               |           platoon leader : 2Lt Lake
               |           callsign       : Charlie Leader
               | assistant platoon leader : Gunnery Sgt. O'ai
               |           callsign       : Yellow Leader
               | platoon specialization   : Troopers
               +---- Riflemen squad                 team CHARLIE-one
               +---- Riflemen squad                 team CHARLIE-two
               +---- Riflemen squad                 team CHARLIE-three
               +---- Heavy/special weapons squad    team CHARLIE-four

    Used equipment

         70331.1010 Phaser rifles        In use
             Phaser rifles are the large equivalent of standard phaser. The
             range is two to three times larger and there is one extra
             intensity setting.
         70331.1010 Anti-Matter Rifles   Experimental
             Anti-matter Rifles are experimental weapons. They have passed
             preminalarry testing. This means that they are no longer
             guarenteed to explode when you touch them for the first time.
             The rifles have four charges each. The desctructive power
             decreases with the distance to the target.