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Doucette, Paul

  ---- Biographical Information for Paul Eugene Doucette Jr. ----

  Sex: M  Hair: Black  Eyes: Brown  Ht: 6'2"  Wt: 155 lbs.  Age: 27
       Terran Years
  Race: Terran Homo sapiens
  Place of Birth: Montreal, Quebec, Earth
  Citizenship:  United Federation of Planets
  S/N: D56998-309-AGFR
  Blood Type: Terran A-
  Religion: Roman Catholic
  Known relations:  Paul Doucette Sr.(Captain, father, deceased)
		    Marie Doucette(mother)
		    Daniel Doucette(brother)
  Official Record:

 Ages 1-18, resided at family home, Montreal

 Age 18, enroled Starfleet Academy

 Ages 18-22, attended Starfleet Academy

 Age 22, graduated Starfleet Academy, posted to ALB for further
  training. Graduated with high honors in Command and Engineering.

 Age 22, assigned to USS BERLIN as engineer

 Age 23, assigned as CEO, USS BERLIN

 Age 24, assigned to Utopia Planitia on Classified Wolfe Development 

 Age 27, transfered to USS RIEL as Executive Officer

 SD 48218.0000, officially graduated from Starfleet Academy
 SD 48218.0600, promoted to rank of Ensign
 SD 48219.0000, assigned to ALB for further training
 SD 48220.1030, assigned to USS Berlin under command of Capt. Drake
 SD 48221.1900, posted as Engineer on Berlin
 SD 48314.1200, promoted to rank of Lt.(jg)
 SD 49322.1100, posted as Chief Engineer of the Berlin
 SD 49324.0000, promoted to rank of Lieutennant
 SD 50528.0000, transfered to Utopia Planitia
 SD 60714.0911, promoted to rank of Lt. Commander
 SD 60801.0000, official commendations entered into records
 SD 70228.1346, promoted to rank of Commander
 SD 70331.1823, posted as First Officer of USS Riel

 Starfleet Academy graduating class of 6021700 ranked 243 of 245
 Curriculum Specialty: Engineering
 Commendations: 3  Reprimands: 0 permanent
 Notes: see psych profile
 Commendations:  For heroism and dedication to fellow officers.
		 For distinguished service.
		 For dedication above and beyond the call of duty.

 Notes:  Commander Doucette is literaly a Starfleet poster child.  He is 
of the best and brightest in the fleet, without a single black marck on 
his record.  He is an exemplary officer, showing both creativity and 
inginuity.  he commands high respect from the people he commands and 
serves with.
	Psycologicaly, Paul is strangely sanguine about his father's 
death.  he passes it off as 'part of the risks of this life'.  Paul is 
incredibly strong willed, and has a rather charismatic personality.  He 
is calm and cool under pressuer, and very self-assured.  Always quick to 
make friends, he is also as dedicated a social creature as he is a 
military officer.
	It is my opinion that Commander Doucette exemplifies the 
Starfleet Officer, and I feel that this young man will soon see a comand 
of his own.

				Counselor R'dek Lauriel
				Starfleet Command

---- End file ----

Last maintenance: april 3, 1995
Kees Leune / C.J.Leune@KUB.NL