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GRNSD Charter



1.1. Mission

The mission of the Global Research Network on Sustainable Development
(GRNSD) is to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of the research
process and products to sustainable development.

GRNSD complements the work of other organizations and networks. As an
independent network, it systematically analyzes factors which influence
the roles and impact that science and related knowledge have in
sustainable development. Furthermore, the network develops new and
creative approaches to increase the quality of research and communication
processes of the participating individuals, organizations, and networks.

1.2. Rationale

The sustainable development research process comprises all activities
which provide decision makers with research information needed for
sustainable development. The process involves planning and conduct of
research, and dissemination and implementation of results. Many technical,
socio-economic and political constraints, which differ from North to
South, and East to West, affect the outcomes of this process.

1.3. Objectives

- To create a general and inductive model of the sustainable development
  research process, and to use it for its analysis and improvement.

- To help elucidate the concepts of sustainable development for relevant
  scientific disciplines and problem areas.

- To develop new concepts, tools, strategies, and services which support
  participants in increasing the effectiveness and efficiency of research.

- To assess the relevance of research activities worldwide.

- To provide a neutral forum for parties with divergent views to explore
  their differences and find common ground.

- To help optimize the existing research information and communication
  infrastructure by aligning and initiating work on the design and
  construction of the required research information systems.

- To increase general cognizance of traditional knowledge, as well as the
  roles of arts and culture in local, regional and global science.

1.4. Guiding Principles

- Network Independence

To ensure freedom of discussion, no single member, individual or
organization, must be able to dominate the development and operations of
the network.

- Network Neutrality

The network does not advocate specific scientific points of view.
Documents issued by the network must be rigorous and adhere to principles
of scholarship.

- Professional Behaviour

Members must interact with mutual respect, and present discussion in a
scholarly fashion.

- Distributed Responsibility

Members of the network are responsible for developing and maintaining the
network facilities and services. All members are accountable to the
network for their network activities.

- Evolution of Network Services and Facilities

The network uses structures and procedures that allow it to easily adapt
to changing environment and technology.

- Accessibility of Network Services and Facilities

The network continuously strives for optimum accessibility of its services
and facilities by minimizing financial, political and other barriers that
inhibit participation.


The membership is open to anybody professionally involved in the
sustainable development research process.


3.1. General

     3.1.1 The network is formed by a Scientific Meta-Network (SMN) and a
           Development Team. Both consist of a number of cooperating groups.
           A Group Coordinator is responsible for the development and
           operations of each group.

     3.1.2 Each individual member and group is allowed to start projects on
           behalf of GRNSD, as well as to make use of the facilities and
           services provided by the network. The projects must not conflict
           with the rules expressed in the Charter. Both a project proposal
           and a summary of the final results must be presented to the Member
           Forum for comments.

3.2. The Scientific Meta-Network

     3.2.1 The SMN is responsible for facilitating disciplinary and thematic
           research relevant to sustainable development.

     3.2.2 SMN Groups share the following goals:

           - To work out concrete criteria that define sustainable
             development within the domain of the group.

           - To make an overview of the most urgent research problems
             with respect to those criteria.

           - To determine and prioritize research goals that guide the
             participants in solving these problems.

           - To establish links with the key individuals, organizations,
             and networks working on and funding the realization of these
             research goals.

           - To evaluate the relevance to these goals of existing research
             projects within the domain of the group.

           - To initiate new research projects.

3.3. The Development Team.

     3.3.1 The Development Team consists of Working Groups, a Member Forum,
           and a Steering Committee.

     3.3.2 Working Groups are responsible for analyzing the sustainable
           development research process, and advising on the network
           facilities and services.

     3.3.3 The Steering Committee is responsible for coordinating the
           overall development and operations of the network, as well as
           raising and managing the required financial and other resources.

     3.3.4 Participation in the Steering Committee is open to members with
           relevant scientific and managerial capacities.

     3.3.5 The Steering Committee appoints a General Coordinator who
           coordinates the day-to-day operations of the network, and Service
           Coordinators who develop and maintain specific facilities and

     3.3.6 The Member Forum is responsible for monitoring and influencing
           the development and operations of the network.

     3.3.7 Any member of the network can join the Member Forum and publicly
           comment on relevant issues.


4.1. Group decisions must be based on consensus as much as possible.

4.2. All proposals made by members or groups that affect the network as a
     whole must be sent for comments to the Member Forum.

4.3. If a dispute on issues related to the development or operations of
     the network cannot be resolved by the respective group or the Member
     Forum, the Steering Committee can make a binding decision.


Instruction and Protocol Documents work out the detailed procedures
that concern the development and operations of the network.


The Charter will be reviewed by a Charter Working Group from January 1,
1997 onward. All members of the network will be invited to participate
in this group.