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Expopsition imaginaire

Exposition imaginaire

Shown at the G7 meeting

and at the CEBIT fair in Hanovre in 1995.

and at the third WWW conference in Darmstadt.

in Paris.

and at Inet 95 in Hawai.
A panorama of XVIIIth-century French painting is presented in this exhibition through the works of one hundred selected artists. In addition to the pictorial world, the history, music, literature and science of the period are recalled in the background to these occasionally little-known works from eighteen museums all over France.

Exhibition organised by:

  • * The Ministère de la culture et de la francophonie:

    Direction des musées de France and Département de l'organisation et des systèmes d'information ,

  • * The Institut national de recherche en informatique et en automatique (INRIA).
  • Sponsored by:

  • * Groupe BULL,
  • * The Comité interministériel de l'informatique et de la bureautique dans l'administration (CIIBA)
  • ,

    * The Cercle pour les projets innovants en informatique (CP21).

    Any comments may be sent to:

    * Laurent MANOEUVRE (Direction des musées de France)

    +33 1 40 15 35 37


    * Gilles DENIAUD (INRIA)

    +33 1 39 63 57 58

    Gilles. Deniaud@inria.fr

    Form to send comments.

  • Read and sign our guest book !

  • www@culture.fr