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Welcome to HospitalWeb, a small but growing list of Hospitals on the Web. This list is being compiled with the hope that more hospitals will take advantage of the amazing potential of the World Wide Web. Providing a simple and globally accessible way for patients, medical researchers, and physicians to get information on any hospital in the world is the goal.
This list is of "main" webservers (only webservers at hospitals will be listed). Some hospitals currently have only scattered departmental webservers online (due to the "grassroots" nature of the WWW, servers tend to spring up without "top-level" administrative approval...[grin]), so I will include them as need be. This list is definitely not complete. If you run or know of a hospital webserver, please send me mail and I will add it immediately! This list is very small, but l expect it will grow quickly (if you work at a hospital that doesn't have a webserver online, be sure to show them this list!).

Hospitals on the World Wide Web:

  1. Alexandria Hospital - Alexandria, VA
  2. Arkansas Children's Hospital - Little Rock, AR
  3. Beth Israel Hospital - Boston, MA
  4. Blanchard Valley Regional Health Center (Blanchard Valley Hospital & Bluffton Community Hospital) - Findlay & Bluffton, OH
  5. Bologna Public Health Departments - Bologna, Italy
  6. Bowman Gray/North Carolina Baptist Hospital Medical Center - Winston-Salem, NC
  7. Boys Town National Research Hospital - Omaha, NE
  8. Brigham and Women's Hospital - Boston, MA
  9. Brookside Hospital - San Pablo, CA
  10. Brighton Health Care NHS Trust - Brighton, England
  11. British Hernia Center - London, UK
  12. Cabell Huntington Hospital - Huntington, WV
  13. The Cambridge Hospital - Cambridge, MA
  14. Careggi Hospital of University of Florence - Florence, Italy
  15. Cedars-Sinai Medical Center - Los Angeles, CA
  16. Chedoke-McMaster Hospitals - Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
  17. Children's Hospital of Western Ontario - Ontario, Canada
  18. Christie Cancer Research Centre - UK
  19. The Cleveland Clinic Foundation - Cleveland, OH
  20. Cliniques Universitaires Saint-Luc - Brussels, Belgium
  21. Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center - New York
  22. Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center - Lebanon, NH
  23. Detroit Medical Center - Detroit, Michigan
  24. Duke University Medical Center - Durham, NC
  25. Foothills Provincial General Hospital - Calgary, Alberta, Canada
  26. Fox Chase Cancer Center - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
  27. Group Health Cooperative of Puget Sound - Seattle, Washington
  28. Guy's and St. Thomas Hospital (United Medical and Dental Schools) - London, England
  29. Hermann Hospital - Houston, TX
  30. Hershey Medical Center - Hershey, PA
  31. Holy Name Hospital - Teaneck, NJ
  32. Hong Kong Hospital Authority - Hong Kong
  33. Indiana University Medical Center (Radiology Department) - Indianapolis, IN
  34. Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions - Baltimore, MD
  35. Kandang Kerbau Hospital (Singapore Women's & Children's Hospital) - Singapore
  36. Karolinska Institute - Stockholm, Sweden
  37. Kettering Medical Center - Kettering, OH
  38. Kings College Hospital (King's College School of Medicine and Dentistry) - London, UK
  39. Louisiana State University Medical Center - New Orleans, LA
  40. Loyola University Medical Center - Maywood, Illinois
  41. Lucile Salter Packard Children's Hospital at Stanford - Palo Alto, CA
  42. Ludwik Rydygier State Hospital - Torun, Poland
  43. Marshall University School of Medicine - Huntington, WV
  44. Massachusetts General Hospital - Boston, MA
  45. Mayo Clinics & Medical Center - Arizona/Minnesota/Wisconsin/Iowa/Florida
  46. McCullough-Hyde Memorial Hospital - Oxford, OH
  47. Medical College of Ohio Hospitals - South Toledo, Ohio
  48. Mercy Healthcare Arizona - Phoneix, AZ
  49. Metro Nashville General Hospital - Nashville, Tennessee
  50. Moffit Cancer Center, University of South Florida - Tampa, FL
  51. Montgomery Regional Hospital - Blacksburg, VA
  52. Mount Sinai (School of Medicine) - New York, NY
  53. National Jewish Center for Immunology and Respiratory Medicine - Denver, Colorado
  54. National Skin Centre - Singapore
  55. Naval Hospital - Corpus Christi, TX
  56. Naval Medical Center Portsmouth - Portsmouth, VA
  57. The Neurosensory Institute (A Collaborative Program of Pennsylvania Hospital, Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, and Wills Eye Hospital) - Pennsylvania
  58. New England Medical Center - Floating Hospital for Children - Boston, MA
  59. New York University Medical Center - Manhattan, NYC
  60. North Carolina Baptist Hospitals, Inc. - Winston-Salem, NC
  61. North Memorial Medical Center - Robbinsdale, MN
  62. The Norwegian Radium Hospital - Oslo, Norway
  63. Orthopedic Institute Gaetano Pini - Milan, Italy
  64. Osaka University Hospital - Osaka, Japan
  65. Prince of Wales Hospital - Hong Kong
  66. Queen Mary Hospital - Hong Kong
  67. Radford Community Hospital - New River Valley, VA
  68. Rouen University Hospital - France
  69. Royal Brompton Hospital - London, UK
  70. Royal Free Hospital - London, UK
  71. Royal Marsden Hospital - London, UK
  72. Royal Ottawa Health Care Group - Ottawa, Canada.
  73. Rush-Presbyterian-St. Luke's Medical Center - Chicago, IL
  74. Saint Francis Hospital of Evanston - Evanston, Illinois
  75. Saint Francis Medical Center - Pittsburgh, PA
  76. Saint George Hospital - Sydney, Australia
  77. Saint John Medical Center - Tulsa, OK
  78. Saint Joseph's Health Centre - London, Ontario, Canada
  79. Saint Luke's Regional Medica Center - Boise, Idaho
  80. Saint Mary's Medical Center - Knoxville, Tennessee
  81. Saint Vincent and Geelong Hospitals - Melbourne, Australia
  82. Shands Hospital at the University of Florida - FL
  83. Shriners Hospitals for Crippled Children - Honolulu Unit - Honolulu, Hawaii
  84. Sparks Regional Medical Center - Ft. Smith, Arkansas
  85. Stanford University Medical Center - Stanford, CA
  86. State University of New York (SUNY) Health Science Center - Syracuse, NY
  87. San Francisco VA Medical Center - San Francisco, CA
  88. Tan Tock Seng Hospital - Singapore
  89. Thomas Jefferson University Hospital - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
  90. Tripler Medical Center - Honolulu, HI
  91. Tulane University Medical Center - New Orleans, LA
  92. University of Alberta Hospitals - Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
  93. University of Bonn Medical Center - Bonn, Germany
  94. University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) Medical Center - Los Angeles, CA
  95. University of California Davis Medical Center - CA
  96. University of Florida Health System - FL
  97. University Hospital - Ontario, Canada
  98. University Hospital of Frankfurt (Department of Pediatrics) - Frankfurt, Germany
  99. University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics (including the Virtual Hospital) - Iowa City, IA
  100. University of Kansas Medical Center (Pulse) - Kansas City, KS
  101. University of Kentucky Medical Center - Lexington, KY
  102. University of Michigan Medical Center - Ann Arbor, MI
  103. University of Pennsylvania Medical Center (Oncolink) - Philadelphia, PA
  104. University of Pittsburgh Medical Center - Pittsburgh, PA
  105. University of Rochester Medical Center - Rochester, NY
  106. University of Texas Health Center at Tyler - Tyler, TX
  107. University of Texas Health Sciences Center - San Antonio, TX
  108. University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center - Houston, TX
  109. University of Texas Medical Branch - Galveston, TX
  110. University of Virginia Children's Medical Center - Charlottesville, VA
  111. University of Virginia Health Sciences Center - Charlottesville, VA
  112. University of Washington Health Sciences Center - Seattle, WA
  113. University of Wisconsin Dept. of Family Medicine - Madison, Wisconsin
  114. University of Wisconsin Hospital and Clinics (Bio-informatics) - Madison, Wisconsin
  115. Vanderbilt University Medical Center - Nashville, TN
  116. Victoria Hospital - London, Ontario, Canada
  117. Washington University Medical Center - St. Louis, MO
  118. Wayne Memorial Hospital - Honesdale, PA
  119. Wuesthoff Health Services - Rockledge, FL

Interested in just Medical Schools?

Check out Tore B. Sjoboden's comprehensive Medical School List. Also look at this great list of United States Medical Schools.

Comprehensive Medical Lists

Yahoo Medicine List - GNN Whole Internet Catalog Medical List
EINet Galaxy Medical List - The World-Wide Web Virtual Library:Biosciences-Medicine
The most recent updates and plans for the list.
Although I've seen many medical resources on the Web, I've never seen a simple and complete list of hospitals on the web. This has probably confused patients and physicians simply looking for specific hospital information (lists of specialists, email addresses for physicians, specific departmental information, admitting information, clinical trials, maps, etc...?) Hence, I've started this list on my own, and hope that people will use it as a reference point. Please email me if you have a hospital to include!
I chaired Workshop F: Webserver Applications for Hospitals and Medical Research Centers at the Third International WWW Conference (April 1995) in Darmstadt, Germany. For more info about the Workshop, check here.

This resource list was created and is maintained by the Department of Neurology at Massachusetts General Hospital.

Click on me to return to MGH Neurology's Home Page.
John Lester (lester@helix.mgh.harvard.edu).