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LPIB, November, 1994, Number 73

Lunar and Planetary Information Bulletin

Lunar and Planetary Institute / Universities Space Research Association

November, 1994/Number 73

The proposed landing ellipse of Mars Pathfinder in Ares Vallis, where the surrounding landforms show abundant evidence of flowing water early in martian history.


The Lunar and Planetary Information Bulletin is published quarterly by the Lunar and Planetary Institute, 3600 Bay Area Boulevard, Houston, TX 77058-1113.

Pam Thompson, Editor

Editorial and production support are provided by the LPI Publications and Program Services Department. Copy deadline for the February issue of the LPIB is February 3, 1995.

Please send articles or announcements to: P. Thompson, 3600 Bay Area Boulevard, Houston, TX 77058-1113.

Phone: 713-486-2175, fax: 713-486-2162


(Internet) thompson@lpi.jsc.nasa.gov

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