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Welcome to my home page

Who am I and what do I do?


Well since you've dropped in here out of curiosity or maybe by accident. Allow me to introduce myself, as can be seen from the title of this home page my name is Glen Young. I currently the system administrator (manager? depending on how bureaucratic you are.) of the Radio Astronomy Laboratory since it was established in August 1990.

We are a small but active research group at the University of Calgary in the Department of Physics and Astronomy. But of course a more through description can be found on the top level of this server.

Some of my other duties include that of a system analyst, a scientific programmer and a research assistant. Specifically I manage the day to day operations of the lab. plus do a bit of hardware and software trouble shooting. The second job I do is to aid in the development of scientific software packages. That is to say I an currently helping to develop a simulation package to help radio astronomers schedule (at least to first order) observations on the Russian radio astronomy satellite, RADIOASTRON and also for the Japanese VSOP Mission

This package will run on a personal computer (386 or above) and it's main purpose is to allow the user to develop optimal observing strategies for networks of radio telescopes. This is the field known in radio astronomy as VLBI (Very Long Baseline Interferometry). It can involve at times more then 10-15 observatories worldwide doing simultaneous observations of the same astronomical object. The program allows the user to choose the telescopes and target objects plus the time of observation. Then the software will "simulate" an observational run and output information which will tell the observer if the object of interest is being observed efficently. This will aid a person proposing an observational "experiment" which includes RADIOASTRON to determine the best time to request that observations be done.

If you wish to learn more about the RADIOASTRON project then please click here.

If you wish to know more about my work background an online version of my resume is available.

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(Netscape 1.1 > version.)

A list of my publications is here.

Glen Young


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Last Modified: Thu Feb 9 17:52:07 MST 1995