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Times Square and Rockefeller Center

Actually, I think Times Square is mis-named. I don't think it's square at all. It's actually more of a concrete island at a "Y"-shaped junction of two streets to form one (I think, I'll have to go have a look at a map when I get home). Yes, it's got the all the neon, but it seems more impressive when you see it through the camera's eye (e.g. in a picture, on television, or in a movie). Don't know - just another bunch of gaudy buildings.

One thing you need to know about Times Square is that it is home to a TCKTs booth. You can pick up cheap theater tickets (Broadway and Off, and presumably off-off) for the day of the show. There is a sign at the front of the place to tell you how much of a discount you can get for the tickets - but it doesn't tell you how much you can expect to pay (50% of unknown is still unknown). The place was doing good business though.

I have to admit that I was disappointed with Times Square. before we left I was warned the Times Square was sleazy, having been invaded by porn shops, peep shows, XXX theaters and hookers. Well, when we were there I saw exactly one porn shop, one peep-show and one XXX theater. No hookers. The place was ridiculously clean. Never fear though, if you walk through Hell's Kitchen you'll be able to find enough of all the above to keep you happy.

But while I'm talking about disappointments, let's hit Rockefeller Center. You've probably seen it in movies or T.V shows - the golden statue of "Prometheus Unbound" and teh skating rink below. Well, that skating rink is small. I mean, from the pictures I was imagining one of these huge rinks where you could fit a small midwestern town and still have room for the camera crews. Uh uh. I will be very surprised if it is the size of a regulation NHL hockey rink. Rather surprising. I wil, however, admit that I was impressed that they had this outdoor skating rink up-and-running in +15C weather (but not as impressed as I was when I discovered another skaing rink up-and-running in Central Park). One thing that I did like anout Rockefeller Center was the plaque mounted near the base of the building. On this plaque the original Rockefeller wrote a long list of "things that I beleive." I can't recall seeing one that I disagreed with totally.

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Any suggestions/comments welcome: Brad Wallace (brad@ras.ucalgary.ca)