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The attempt to reduce costs and possibly increase accessibility to CASSIOPEIA proceeds apace! The last three issues have now been installed in a CASCA home page on the Radio Astronomy Network at the University of Calgary. The Electronic Lady can be reached via URL at:


The current idea for "distributing" CASSIOPEIA electronically is to continue adding issues to the CASCA home page as they become available. Members who so choose, can then receive an e-mail version of the contents as published on the inside cover of each issue. This will allow them to see what is available in the current issue. They can then use the electronic approach to read the issue itself and of course to download any articles or information that may be of interest to them. In this way we can get information to members, while at the same time avoiding sending reams of text through the Internet and clogging up everyone's e-mail. Anyone who is interested in participating in an experiment along these lines should contact me at my e-mail address (jpenfold@mtroyal.ab.ca). Starting with the WS1994 issue, you will just receive the contents via e-mail. We can then review our experiences at the CASCA meeting in Penticton during June and make adjustments as necessary.

It seems to me, as Chairman of the Education Committee, that it would be useful for all to adopt the "home page approach" to disseminating information about research workers, where they are, what they are doing, and who past and present grad students are. If everyone could maintain a home page which included the above information, it would be very easy for the Board of Governors, or the Education Committee or any other Committee for that matter to survey home pages for any relevant information.

Many of us may balk at learning yet another "computer language" in order to set up the home page but we can get around that problem by asking the people at CADC, or some other suitably experienced person, whether they would be prepared to provide templates in both official languages which could be downloaded by members. It would then be a relatively easy matter to fill in the blanks to set up the home page.

I intend to continue discussions along these lines with the BoG so if you feel you have anything to contribute please contact me, or your local member of the BoG, or Education Committee.

Electronically yours,Ed.

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