WebLordThe Site Construction Power Tool | |||||||||||||||||||||
Solving Problems
Debugging LevelsWebLord has several debugging levels, set with the DEBUG=n argument. Each debugging level includes the output of all lesser levels. WARNING: Debug levels 6 or higher can produce hundreds of kilobytes of output! It is highly recommended that output be redirected to a file, then examined with a text editor or similar tool.
Unexpectedly Missing Text on a PageMost likely this is due to some conditionals (if / ifdef / ifndef) resolving to an unexpected value. You should try debug level 2 to determine if all conditionals resolve to the values that you expect. Runnaway RecursionOnce WebLord has descended 1000 levels or deeper (if this ever happens, you almost certainly have a problem!!) into resolving object values, it begins to issue warnings, printing to the output the symbols to be resolved for approximately 10 recursion levels. After about 10 levels, it stops, and begins again at 1250, 1500, 1750, 2000, etc. Future versions of WebLord will provide enhanced recursion detection and provide diagnostics as to the problem's cause. You are currently left to determine the problem on your own. Some of the following may be of assistance:
Debug level 2 may also shed some light on the matter. Memory Allocation ProblemsIt is possible that many requests for dynamic memory allocation and subsequent releases of this memory have resulted in a high degree of fragmentation of the available free memory. Depending on the degree of this fragmentation, the largest consecutive block of memory may be comparatively small. WebLord requires memory in comparatively large blocks (as much as twice the size of your largest page), so when memory is seriously fragmented, an allocation may fail and WebLord will be unable to proceed. WebLord's own impact on the system's memory fragmentation is either minor or non-existent due to its use of memory pools, which are allocated and extended in large chunks. Once memory is significantly fragmented there are two methods to getting WebLord to function: quit all other programs, thereby giving the system a chance to consolidate memory into larger chunks again. If this is not successful (it not always is) then rebooting your system is the only remaining solution. | |||||||||||||||||||||
WebLord is Copyright © 1997 Udo K Schuermann. The latest versions of the software and (this) documentation can be obtained from the WebLord Home Page (the link will only function if you are connected to the internet.) This page has last been updated on Sunday August 03, 1997. |