Babylon 5 is a Science Fiction Novel made for Television in the sense that it consists of five volumes (seasons) that unfold a pre-determined epic story line. Although each chapter (episode) can be enjoyed on its own merits, the threads and details that connect them all reveal with time a greater story and purpose. Going back to rewatch episodes from a previous season reveals an astonishing amount of new information that was always there, but assumes a new significance only in light of later developments.
This type of writing has been referred to as "Holographic Story Telling."
As your perspective changes (with time) the overall story grows to reveal
greater and greater depth! Although presented in episode-form, the show
is far more than disjointed weekly entertainment.
In the German translation, Kosh says: "Gehen Sie weg. Sie haben hier nichts verloren," which translates to something like "Leave. There is nothing for you here" which obviously leaves out the critical "they" (who are "they" that Kosh speaks of?) and eliminates the significance of the confrontation that damaged Kosh's encounter suit.
So, in the spirit of bad translations (once you lose the essence of a translation, what matter the words?) I offer the following translation: "Schleich dich, du Wichser! Mein Schwebefahrzeug ist voller Aale." (Get out of here, you wanker! My hovercraft is full of eels.")
(With a bit of an apology to Monty Python.)
Until we all understand this and take action against unreason, we are doomed to succumb to agents of shadow, who would have us act against ourselves; against our own potential to overcome evil. That potential is in every one of us. That almost nobody understands this is the real tragedy.
Everything around us is designed to distract us from this understanding.
G'Kar said that.
The first verse of "I am the Walrus":
I am he, as you are he, as you are me, and we are all together. See how they run like pigs from a gun, see how they fly.
I'm crying.
Here is an image I digitized with my Amiga from the 1st season episode Babylon Squared, which deals with the fate of the 4th Babylon Station. In this episode, Commander Sinclair experiences an odd "flash" in which his friend, Security Chief Garibaldi, is seen firing a huge plasma rifle at unknown adversaries that seem to be cutting their way through a bulkhead.
The odd thing is that the first frame of the scene shows Garibaldi with an eery flash coming from his eyes. This is captured in the image above.
Dispelling all doubts about the significance of this artifact, however,
here is the official word from J.M.Straczynski himself: #87051 (2 + 416 more) (1)+-(1) From: \-(1)--(1) [1] Garabaldi's Eyes??! [1]+-[2] Date: Thu May 11 01:09:21 EDT 1995 \-[1] (sigh) Our rotoscope EFX guy was waiting for a bunch of PPG EFX to finish rendering in that battle scene, and was bored, and like many such EFX types, filled in the eyes of Garibaldi with weird stuff while waiting around. When the other scene finished rendering, he got out, believing that he had not saved that one frame. Unknowingly, he had. Nobody caught it until after broadcast. We talked. jmsThey talked... <shudder>...
Last updated 23 Apr 1996.
Udo Schuermann <>
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