Picasso96Mode TNG Updates



June 14th 97
PMTNG v1.28
  • Added experimental code to write the display mode database in BSD format.
June 14th 97
PMTNG v1.27
  • Copying display mode presets from the list now also assigns proper names to the modes; previously, only the display size and depth would be copied. Now it includes the name of the graphics card as well.
  • Added 40 new display mode presets from the VESA and the Apple Macintosh specifications.
  • In the display mode preset list, two entries are now considered duplicates even if their names and the number of bytes per pixel do not match: pmtng now only looks at the properties (interlaced, doublescan, etc.) and the mode timing information.
  • Added a new item to the Edit menu that allows you to set the display update rate of a display mode to the maximum value the graphics card and the monitor will allow.
  • PMTNG can now import the display mode data base files in the format NetBSD uses.
May 06th 97
PMTNG v1.26
  • Fixed an Enforcer hit in the initialization code that collects the graphics cards "known" to the Picasso96 software. This did not work well if the Picasso96 software was not installed at all.
April 14th 97
PMTNG v1.24
  • The program now finds out all by itself which graphics card is installed and loads the correct display mode database. No need to fiddle with the icon tool types.
April 09th 97
PMTNG v1.23
  • In the test screen opening code, caching the graphics card information was not a particular smart idea now that the program supports multiple cards.
  • Test screens now open even with 32 and 15bit display modes.
March 22th 97
PMTNG v1.22
  • If no display mode entry is selected from the default database or the active mode list, the text boxes below the lists will be empty.
  • First attempt at adding better multiple board support. If more than one graphics card is configured for use with Picasso96, the user will be prompted to choose whose display modes should be edited. If the board is different from the one that was selected at program startup time, its display mode database will be read from disk.
  • PMTNG now looks into "Devs:Picasso96" for display mode files, e.g. "Devs:Picasso96/PicassoIV" refers to the settings for one particular board. If the configuration file cannot be found, the program returns to "Devs:Picasso96Settings".
  • PMTNG reassigns mode IDs if it finds that two different boards are sharing the same set of IDs. This is to avoid screwing up the display mode database at the time IPrefs walks down the mode list to assign names to yet unnamed built-in Amiga display modes.
  • The project menu itme labels now reflect the name of the graphics card whose display mode database is being edited.
March 08th 97
PMTNG v1.21
  • Major code cleanup for better readability.
  • The locale catalog no longer gets opened even if locale.library could not be opened.
March 01st 97
PMTNG v1.19
  • More consistent naming of flicker fixer (pseudo-) display mode entries. Instead of "PAL (64K, ...)" they now read "PAL (Flicker fixer, ...").
February 23th 97
PMTNG v1.18
  • On the test screen, shrinking and stretching now will have little to no impact on the line frequency and screen update rate.
  • Better error reporting for syntax errors in the monitor and display mode databases.
  • More robust mode and monitor filtering code.
PMTNG v1.15
  • First public release

Copyright 1997 © by Jens Langner
Send comments to jlangner@villagetronic.com - Date: 27.06.1997