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Final Writer 97 - Amiga
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Final Writer 97 - Amiga - Support

The following are frequently asked questions about Final Writer for the Amiga. If you have a question about Final Writer for the Amiga, you may send email to Technical Support (

Question: While typing in Final Writer 97, when I reach the bottom of a page, a new page isn't automatically created. Why?
Answer: Final Writer 97 includes a new feature called Text Frames. (Check your Final Writer 97 Addendum for a description of them.) If you click in an area of the document where text has not yet been entered, Final Writer 97 will create a Text Frame for you. While typing text into a Text Frame it will not "grow" beyond the bottom of the current page. You will need to create an additional linked Text Frame on another page in order to continue past the current page.
Question: Is there a way I can be sure that I am typing my text into the main body of the document rather than a Text Frame?
Answer: Sure. Look in your Final Writer 97 Addendum on page 1-6 (that's page 6 of chapter 1). In the left margin of that page, you'll see a graphic representing a portion of the Final Writer 97 toolbar. The first button, which is the one that has a 'T' in it, is what we call the Text Tool. If you click on the Text Tool, it will deselect any Text Frame you were in and put your insertion point in the main body of your document. Note: When you do this, the insertion point will be in the same location that you left it in.
Question: When I click in my document, I forget that I might be creating a Text Frame. How can I make it so that new Text Frames will be more noticable when they are created?
Answer: From the "Objects" menu, select the "Text Frame Preferences..." option. Under "Border Options" on the "Text Frame Preferences" requester, select "Hairline" as the "Weight". Click "Save". From now on when a Text Frame is created it will have a border around it. Note: This border will not only be displayed on your monitor, but also printed by your printer.
Question: How do I add page numbers to my document?
Answer: Choose "Easy Header/Footer..." from the "Tools" menu. Decide whether you will want the page number to appear in the header or footer of the document. Then decide if you want it to appear left, center, or right. Click and hold your mouse button over the appropriate button on the "Easy Header/Footer" requester and select "Page Number" from the popup menu that appears. If you do not want to use the default type specs, click the appropriate "Define" button, make the changes you desire and click "OK". Click "OK" and your page numbers should be visible.
Question: I get a blank page between each printed page. How do I get rid of them?
Answer: On your Workbench screen, find and single click your Final Writer program icon. (You can usually find it by double clicking on the hard drive icon named "Work" and then double clicking on the drawer icon named "FinalWriter".) Choose "Information..." from the "Icons" menu. Near the bottom of the Infomation window on the left side find and click on the "New" button. Type "OLDPAGEEJECT" (without quotes) and press ENTER. Click "Save". When you next run Final Writer and tell it to print, it should not print any unwanted blank pages.