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Final Writer - Windows 95 - Installation Instructions

If you already have Final Writer Free installed on your system, you will need to remove it before starting the installation. To do this, open the Control Panel and double-click on the "Add/Remove Programs" applet. Find the entry "Final Writer" in the list, highlight it and then click on the "Add/Remove" button near the bottom of the applet. This will remove the previous installation of Final Writer Free without removing any of your documents.

If You Downloaded A Single File

After downloading "FWFree.exe", double-click on it from a file utility like Windows Explorer and the installation process will automatically begin.

If You Downloaded Two Files

I recommend you create a temporary folder for this process so you will be able to easily find and delete these files, which will not be needed after you've completed the installation. Be sure to put both files in the same folder. Double-click on the two files, "FWPart1.exe" and "FWPart2.exe", and they will automatically extract all the necessary files for the installation process. Find and double-click on the file "Setup.exe", which will start the installation process. When Setup is finished, you may delete the temporary folder you created.

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